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ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 29, 1971 Joel beyond flesh kinda sand

(Seth II:) The experiment continues. I ask those of you who are ready to follow with me as we have observed you then in your own way as you are able follow us. We are trying to not observe, as much as appreciate, the nature of your present existence; so those of you who are curious and willing about the nature of nonphysical reality then follow as far as you can, using the voice as a guideline into existence that has no reality in physical terms, that knows neither blood nor tissue, that knows not hand or finger or arm. Follow then beyond the knowledge of the flesh to those domains from which flesh was born and is born. Feel the kernel of your consciousness rise as one of your seeds, higher beyond the knowledge of seasons, beyond the feeling of your days or moments, beyond the relationships of blood, beyond all those kinships which you take for granted. To you on the way there will be an unbearable loneliness. You are so used to relating to the warm victory of flesh it will seem isolated. There is no physical being with whom then you can relate; and yet, beyond this and through the isolation is a point of light that is consciousness, that pulses with the power behind all the emotions that you know and that feeds them, that sends them sparkling and tumbling down into the reality that you know. A warmth that forms the very pulse of physical existence and yet is born from the devotion of our isolation; that is born from the creativity that is beyond flesh and bone, that forms fingers without feeling fingers, that forms seasons without knowing spring, that creates sand without knowing sand or ground, that creates the reality that you know without experiencing it, that forms fathers, sons and daughters and mothers without knowing what fathers and mothers and daughters and sons are, and yet from this devotion, from that creativity comes all that you know. And all of that also has been given to us for the energy that we have is not ours alone, nor are we the source of it; for it flows through us as it flows through you. The experiment then continues as it has continued, but you were not aware of it.

TES9 Seth II diminished Carl Bega human beyond

And that self tells you that there is a reality beyond human reality, beyond human characteristics that you know... [...] Although this type of existence seems cold to you, it is a clear and crystal-like existence in which things are known that are beyond your comprehension... [...]

So I am the Seth that is beyond the Seth that you know. [...]

[...] We want you to realize that there is consciousness without form, that there is consciousness with will and vitality that comes to you from beyond even those places that your Seth knows. [...]

ECS1 January 14, 1969, Tuesday Conversation Between Rachel and Ruburt Rachel wheat unfriendly group leave

(Ruburt:) “Because you have to go beyond that group at that time. [...]

[...] The fourth person beyond them was also in conflict with you and you were frightened of them. [...]

[...] Do you sense anybody beyond that?”

TPS6 Copy of inspirational type material received Saturday, February 6 Mona Lisa canvas solving problems

We have to go beyond that—the point of problem-solving or problem-focus —back to stressing the creative larger-than-life aspects, otherwise all we have is a better problem-solving framework. [...]

The larger view is that art by being itself, is bigger than life, while springing from it; that Seth and my books go beyond that simply by being themselves. [...]

[...] I don’t have to “live up” to anything, I don’t have to “make the material work” or prove through my actions that it does because it proves itself in the way that creativity does, by being beyond levels of true-false references. [...]

TSM Chapter Nineteen: The Conceptual Sense conceptual concept cognition ions experiencing

“Concepts such as I am referring to reach beyond your ideas of time and space. [...] Any true concept has its origins outside of your camouflage system and continues beyond it. [...]

ECS1 Session 494, ESP Class Session, July 15, 1969 Bega Theodore Ned portrait Brad

([Seth II:]) And that self tells you that there is a reality beyond human reality, beyond human characteristics that you know—and within that reality even I am dwarfed and there is knowledge that can never be verbal. [...] Although this type of existence seems cold to you, it is a clear and crystal-like existence in which things are known that are beyond your comprehension, in which no time is needed, in your terms, for experience; in which the inner self condenses all human knowledge that has been received by you through your various existences and reincarnations has been coded and exists indelibly. [...]

[...] And you went beyond the point and lost what you might have seen. As our friend here went beyond the point (referring to Theodore), looked at the portraits and consciously—for you did not make an original, intuitive, judgment—but consciously looked at these portraits in terms of nationality, age and all the requirements that you thought of. [...]

And this part that you see and that appears in this room and can show joy, and show its existence and reality; that can call to you beyond space and time; that shows such energy; that shows you what energy can blow through such a small and slight frame—that self is a small part of my reality. [...] But beyond that self, there is another self, and still another self of which I am fully aware. [...]

TES8 Session 408 April 29 1968 cone coordinates pure Pause structures

Beyond this however, some channels are more distortive than others, and we hope to keep this channel as undistorted as possible. As you understand, pure knowledge cannot be put into words, and for that matter it exists beyond your usual concept of thoughts.

(Once again Jane began speaking in the light, pleasant, high but not falsetto voice, that we had been told represented the larger personality beyond, and encompassing, Seth. [...]

You are going beyond Seth, to a part of Seth you do not know.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, April 6, 1971 listen labor Alpha gloss platitudes

It is not beyond the range of the readers and none of them are beyond Ruburt’s students either, and now I will listen and see how you did on your assignment. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 16, 1971 Eva Alpha press loyalty grandfather

[...] You direct it beyond this place and this time, and so it is about time that you learned to recognize it within yourselves and within the others within this room. [...] Perfection implies, automatically, something done and finished, beyond which, there can be no growth nor development. [...]

[...] Beyond that, accept yourself. [...]

[...] Beyond that, quiet yourself. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 22, 1971 pot Buddy Ron destiny unoperable

Now I want those of you who can to follow still further, for we will travel beyond these fields of probabilities in which all times are born. [...] Into an immense system of beginnings that are beyond any beginnings that you may have imagined, in which all nebulous creations exist in incipient form. [...] For beyond this, there are still other beginnings so alien that I cannot explain them, and yet they are connected with your own life; and they find existence and expression even in the small cells within your physical flesh. [...]

Now I want you to take one other step beyond this. [...]

Beyond that door are realities of which you have always known and people with whom you have always been acquainted. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 16, 1978 conspired knowledge search promise unneeded

[...] For my presence and the sessions both do indeed imply a promise of knowledge beyond what is generally known, and, hopefully, of wisdom beyond that which is generally possessed. [...]

[...] The sessions themselves are like a vehicle that comes from beyond your time, yet you sit secure in your time—well strapped in, so to speak.

UR2 Appendix 13: (For Session 708) tree indexing combing phrase twinkling

Its sense of identity spontaneously goes beyond the change of its own form. [...] Creatures without the compartment of the ego can easily follow their own identities beyond any changes of form. [...]

TES8 April 24, 1968 terrific sort fabulous really relegated

Believe this all has to do with the above, plus with a strange session held the night before last, in which through me the voice said it was sort of ‘beyond Seth’; the message coming from a higher portion of that personality; tremendous energy seemed to flow through me and the definite, thank God, certainty, that this came from beyond me, and was automatically translated into words at my end. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 522, April 8, 1970 dimensional actors roles three pretend

Within him there are methods of perception that allow him to see through the camouflage settings, to see beyond the stage. [...] You can tell the position of the other actors for example, or time by clock, but these physical senses will not tell you that time is itself a camouflage, or that consciousness forms the other actors, or that realities that you cannot see exist over and beyond the physical matter that is so apparent.

[...] They lead the actors to see beyond the selves and settings they have created. [...]

[...] The reality that exists both within it and beyond it will elude you. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session December 9, 1981 annals approach magical harmonious land

[...] (Over a one-minute pause.) It is impossible for you to operate without beliefs in your present mode of existence (another minute), “for beyond” those glittering packages of beliefs, however, there exists the vast reservoir of sensation itself, the land that does indeed exist “beyond beliefs.” [...]

[...] It puts you in touch with the magical feeling of yourself that you had as a child, and that is familiar to you at levels usually beyond your physical knowledge of yourself. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes March 8, 1981 stories Suzie damnation doll tale

They were these; that the entire world and its organization was kept together by certain stories or one in particular—like the Catholic Church’s; that it was dangerous beyond all knowing to look through the stories or examine them or to look for the truth and that all kinds of taboos existed to keep us from doing this, since.... since on the other side so to speak there was an incomprehensible frightening chaotic dimension, malevolent, powers beyond our imagining; and that to question the stories was to threaten survival not just personally but to threaten the fabric and organization of reality as we knew it. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, April 22, 1969 bacon discipline bees demand Dean

[...] For in the miraculous spontaneity of the sun, there is a discipline that utterly escapes you—and a knowledge that is beyond any knowledge that we know. And in the spontaneous playing of the bees from flower to flower there is a discipline beyond any that you know, and the laws that follow their own knowledge—and joy that is beyond command. [...]

TES9 Session 452 December 2, 1968 destruction planet violence chaos massive

You may even smile at the child’s utter sense of desolation until he finally connects the motion of his own hand with the destruction of the paper, cardboard house that is now gone, and in his eyes gone beyond repair.

[...] He has gone beyond the child’s game. [...]

Little wonder that psychic battles wage, and yet beyond your system there are refinements impossible to describe, and further developments more miraculous than those that have gone before. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 684 February 20, 1974 units fluctuates poised blink selectivity

(“For those of you who do accompany me, I promise you an adventure, a creative alteration of consciousness, and experiences beyond those that you have known in your terms. [...]

[...] As in your terms the cavemen ventured out into the daylight of the earth, there is a time for man to venture out into a greater knowledge of his subjective reality, comma, to explore the dimensions of selfhood and go beyond the small areas of himself in which he has thus far found shelter.

[...] Other facets of consciousness available to him, and a part of his greater nature, appear foreign, or “not-self,” or “beyond self,” because of the focus of selectivity as it now operates.

TSM Appendix: Session 452, December 2, 1968 destruction planet planetary violence system

You may even smile at the child’s utter sense of desolation until he finally connects the motion of his own hand with the destruction of the paper cardboard house that is now gone, and in his eyes, gone beyond repair.

[...] He has gone beyond the child’s game. [...]

[...] And yet beyond your system there are refinements impossible to describe and further developments more miraculous than those that have gone before. [...]

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