
1 result for (book:ecs1 AND session:494 AND stemmed:ned)

ECS1 Session 494, ESP Class Session, July 15, 1969 11/71 (15%) Bega Theodore Ned portrait Brad
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 494, ESP Class Session, July 15, 1969, Tuesday

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The data re the paintings—Bega—Theodore M., was interesting, etc. On July 17, Theodore purchased the painting of Bega as designated by Seth. On July 16, Ned and Sue Watkins bought the oils of Charlie Painter, the dream hands, and Moses.

(Very late in the evening, Ned Watkins woke me to express concern because of the length of the session tonight—at perhaps 1 AM or later. Jane then was speaking for Seth’s entity. Ned and others were concerned that Jane couldn’t exert enough control to come out herself.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

You (Sue) lost some good bets this evening. And you (Ned) lost many good bets this evening. Now. There is a difference between passivity and alert passivity. And you need to learn the difference. Here you need to learn the difference. Again, I welcome our new member (Lydia).

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(To Sue and Ned:) I do have one point to make. The child (Sean) was a girl—1432—France—and at one time your sister—strong literary abilities—some interest in music—should not be pampered for the personality is already given to indulgence. There may be an allergy to wheat—early in life—was also known to this one here in Spain—the country now called Spain—in 801 as an uncle—then a warrior-type personality—but again given to indulgence.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now, I will let my friend—(laugh from Ned)—you, as Ruburt would say, you are looking for it! And those who look for it in this room, get it. The portrait is a portrait of Ruburt as a woman in one of the past lives mentioned—and in that particular instance, as a grandmother of twelve children. Strongly gifted psychically—given to hovering in dark forests—and a midwife. Now, he does not know this, so I will give you the honor of telling him. I will now let our friend take a rest. And you may rest if you are up to it.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

Now, you see what you are willing to see, and it is stupidity to consider suggestion as the result or the cause of what you see. It is stupidity in class to worry that suggestion would cause a given result—for suggestion causes whatever you see. You form your physical reality through suggestion and expectation. You experience what you expect to experience at a subconscious and a conscious level. And therefore, as Ruburt is very careful that suggestion is not involved, so he has also had you be overly cautious, and there have been many opportunities in class that you have missed for this reason—and these are the bets that I have spoken about earlier this evening. You have the ability to see more than you saw and you have the ability. You enjoyed your passivity (to Ned) to the point of an enjoyous giving-up; and instead, you see, there is a point within passivity where you are passively alert. And you went beyond the point and lost what you might have seen. As our friend here went beyond the point (referring to Theodore), looked at the portraits and consciously—for you did not make an original, intuitive, judgment—but consciously looked at these portraits in terms of nationality, age and all the requirements that you thought of.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

([Ned:] “One at a time in the body.”)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now, I have maintained psychological stability for centuries so I find it not too much to ask that our friend Ruburt maintain it for a mere forty years. And we expect you (Ned) to maintain it and before you get the idea, again, of leaving physical reality before your chores are done, I will give you the boot from the other end.

([Ned:] “Was that you that she saw in the window the other night?”)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

It is a portion that has been physical. It is a portion that can understand your (Theodore) being overwhelmed with work; it is a portion that can understand your being full with child (Sue); it is a portion that can understand the times when you wanted to leave physical reality (Ned); it is a portion that can understand the part of you (Sally) that wanted to be a star; it is a portion that can understand the part of you that wanted to conquer and is afraid to conquer (Brad); it is a portion that can understand the guilt you (Rose) feel for no reason. It is a portion that can understand the aspirations that you (Lydia) were unable to fulfill and if you have fulfilled them, you would not be looking into the subjects that you are looking into now. You would not feel the need to look for answers. It is a part that can understand why you (Vera) have so related to this man; it is a part that can understand why the five-and seven-and eight- year-old girl that you were has related to this man and not independently gone on. It is a part that can understand why you let your aspirations go (Theodore).

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(Present: Sue and Ned Watkins, Theodore Muldoon [banker], Sally Benson [librarian], Brad Lanton [artist], Rose Cafford [older, grandmotherly], Lydia Dobbs [candy store owner], Vera Muldoon, Florence McIntyre [school teacher], Rachel Clayton [secretary].)

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