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SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, January 5, 1971 nonintervals Janice spices nonmoments pulses

(Art O.: “The analogy I get is of an electromagnetic wave, a carrier wave, and it’s rectified. The intervals are the positive pulses and the nonintervals are the negative pulses.”)

(Art O.: “Are these pulses extremely fast in our terms?”)

(Art O.: “Are there more than two pulses?”)

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

[...] These particular pulses or messages became the biologically and mentally accepted ones. [...] These pulses or messages became the only official data that, translated into sense perception, formed physical reality. [...]

[...] The cells still reacted to these otherwise neglected pulses, as they needed data from both the past and future to maintain the body’s balance in “the present.” [...]

Other pulses, carrying messages, are quite as valid as those that you perceive and physically react to. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, January 5, 1971 nonintervals nonmoments Arnold spices Rachel

([Arnold:] “The analogy that I get is an electromagnetic wave, a carrier wave and it is rectified and the on moments are the positive pulses and the unmoments are the negative pulses.”)

([Arnold:] “Are these pulses extremely fast in our terms of time?”)

([Arnold:] “Are there more than two pulses?”)

TPS7 Deleted Session December 13, 1983 Teresa bumpity Andrew Cathy crying

[...] A young male nurse or aide came in to take Jane’s temperature and pulse. [...] “That kid was so shocked to see me naked that when he took my pulse I could feel his pulse going bumpity-bumpity-bump....” [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 23, 1970 couch transpose solid organization assumptions

[...] There is, for example, a part of you who is very aware of these pulsations, and who is aware of pulse sense of memory. When the pulse is in the physical reality, then you, as you know yourself, have this memory. When the pulse is in another dimension, there is also memory of that existence. [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, June 23, 1970 couch transpose organization solid assumptions

[...] There is, for example, a part of you who is very aware of the pulsations you have just been discussing, and who is aware of the pulse-like nature of memory. When the pulse is in this physical reality, then you, as you know yourselves, have memory of this existence. When the pulse is in another dimension, there is memory of that existence. [...]

UR1 Appendix 5: (For Session 686) appendix neurological leap messages vocabulary

“I almost feel that if you asked me at any time of the day, ‘Jane, what are you getting now?’ that I could tune into any of these areas of information, and tell you … As the messages leap the nerve ends they form certain pulses; we recognize these as messages and ignore all the others. I feel as though I’m learning to jump in between the recognized pulses and pick up usually inaccessible ones. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 29, 1971 Joel beyond flesh kinda sand

[...] There is no physical being with whom then you can relate; and yet, beyond this and through the isolation is a point of light that is consciousness, that pulses with the power behind all the emotions that you know and that feeds them, that sends them sparkling and tumbling down into the reality that you know. A warmth that forms the very pulse of physical existence and yet is born from the devotion of our isolation; that is born from the creativity that is beyond flesh and bone, that forms fingers without feeling fingers, that forms seasons without knowing spring, that creates sand without knowing sand or ground, that creates the reality that you know without experiencing it, that forms fathers, sons and daughters and mothers without knowing what fathers and mothers and daughters and sons are, and yet from this devotion, from that creativity comes all that you know. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 13, 1984 irs Olson Suzanne calorie Dana

[...] Blood pressure and pulse.

UR2 Appendix 17: (For Session 711) beta waves brain theta eeg

(Even if beta waves, then, seem to be the “official pulses” of our civilization [to use Seth’s phrase from a session that will be quoted in part below], still Jane and I wonder: When aren’t we actually in a state of altered consciousness? [...]

[...] They seem to be the official pulses of your civilization, giving precedence to official reality, but you have little idea that the psyche is inherently able to seek its conscious experience from all of the known ranges, according to the kind of experience chosen at any given “time.”

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 3, 1984 shaky transmigration fever circumnavigate Diana

[...] Diana took Jane’s blood pressure and pulse. [...]

TES9 Session 426 August 5, 1968 thread agony neurological conceive traversed

[...] Actually “time,” in quotes, exists as the pulses leap the nerve ends. [...]

[...] Pretend then that you possessed within yourself the knowledge, the sight, of all the world’s masterpieces in sculpture and art, that they throbbed and pulsed as realities within you, but that you had no physical apparatus, no knowledge of how to achieve it; that there was neither rock, nor pigment, nor source of any of these, and you ached with the yearning to produce them—and this, on an infinitesimally small scale, will perhaps give you, as an artist, some idea of the agony and the impetus that was felt.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 4, 1983 milligrams Joan dosage birthday Lorrie

(Lorrie knocked, then came in to take Jane’s blood pressure and pulse. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 30, 1984 maintenance waft passionately exemption tasty

(Shawn took her temperature — 98.3, and pulse.

ECS4 ESP Class Session, January 25, 1972 Bette Rachel Sumari dumpy campfire

[...] You are bony structures momentarily looking out through eyes and seeing through pulses, yet you form the eyes and the pulses and the worlds that make them possible and the dramas that so intrigue you from the past and the present and the future, and yet in all of these there are doorways, there are beginnings. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 806, July 30, 1977 memory events past floating future

[...] Those neurological pulses are geared to the biological world you know.

[...] Other life memories are carried along, so to speak, beneath those other pulses — never, in certain terms, coming to rest so that they can be examined, but forming, say, the undercurrents upon which the memories of your current life ride.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 23, 1983 census Judy cries mattress surgical

[...] Sharon came in for temperature—96.0?—and pulse. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 10, 1983 Georgia bedsores Georgie ate Hawley

(We were interrupted by Sharon Hawley as she came into 330 to take Jane’s temperature—97—and BP and pulse. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 31, 1983 moved bedsores grunting foot Acuto

[...] Susie came in to take Jane’s temperature—96.8—and pulse. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 29, 1984 optimistic impatience favorable catheter Carla

[...] Judy emptied Jane’s Foley, or catheter bag, Dorothy took her blood pressure and pulse, and Carla her temperature — 98.2. I did some more mail until Jane said she was ready for a session. [...]

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