2 results for (book:ur1 AND session:686 AND stemmed:neurolog)

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

(Pause, and slowly:) The cells’ basic innocence of time discrimination had to be bypassed. At deeply unconscious levels the neurological structure is more highly adaptable than it appears. Adjustments were made, therefore. Basically, the neurological structure responds to both past and future data. Biologically, then, such activity is built-in. The specialized “new” kind of consciousness in one body had to respond pinpoint fast. Therefore it focused upon only one series of neurological messages.

It would have been quite possible for you as a race to have chosen any other “series” of neurological pulses, or messages, as the “real” ones, and to structure your experience along different lines. The biological structure and the mental consciousness together, however, chose the most comfortable sequence in which a present area of activity, brought about by neurological recognition, would be backed up by unconscious mental knowledge and other biologically invisible neurological connections.

The child was himself in the past on the one hand, and yet he was a probable future self in that past. (Pause.) From the standpoint of Ruburt’s official mental focus, and from the standpoint of the neurologically accepted present, that past environment had to remain off-center, or blurred. He could experience it only by sidestepping officially accepted neurological activity. He visited a store that is not at that location “anymore,” and here the sense data were somewhat clearer. He had no conscious memories of the store’s interior, yet it was instantly apparent to him — the dark oiled floor, spread with sawdust. Even the odors were present.

UR1 Appendix 5: (For Session 686) appendix neurological leap messages vocabulary

[...] Because our mental habits automatically block out such material, we only recognize one series of neurological happenings — it takes time for the message to leap the nerve endings [the synapses]. [...] By altering our consciousness in the way I’m learning to do now, though, we can line up our focuses with these other ‘ghostly’ messages, that are quite as real as the neurological validity we usually accept.”

[...] I’d say that her own awareness of multiple channels has grown out of her initial sensing of the channels available from Seth, as described in the 616th session in Chapter 2 of Personal Reality; and that her material on neurological speeds is related to the observations of Jane that were noted by Sue Watkins in Seth Speaks; see the 594th session in the Appendix of that book. [...]