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UR2 Section 5: Session 722 November 27, 1974 7/58 (12%) particles waves Physicists pool wavelike
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 5: How to Journey into the “Unknown” Reality: Tiny Steps and Giant Steps. Glimpses and Direct Encounters
– Session 722: Pseudo-objects and Neurological Ghost Images. You and Your Counterparts
– Session 722 November 27, 1974 9:18 P.M. Wednesday

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Still quietly:) It is true that you create your own dreams, but it is also true that you only focus upon certain portions of your dream creations. Even in the dream state, any present expands into its own version of past and future; so in those terms the dream possesses its own background, its own kind (underlined) of historic past, the moment you construct it.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

(Pause.) Basically, however, each “appearance” of such a particle is a self-version, for it is altered to some extent by its “location.” Period. So can the human self appear in several places at once,5 each such appearance subtly altering the “human” particle, so that each appearance is a version of an “original” self that as itself never appears in those terms.6 When you look at an electron — figuratively speaking — you are observing a trace or a track of something else entirely, and that appearance is termed an electron. So the self that you know is a physical trace or intrusion into space and time of an “original” self that never appears. In a way, then, you are as ghostly as an electron.

The unknown self, the “original self,” straddles realities, dipping in and out of them in creative versions of itself, taking on the properties of the system in which it appears, and the characteristics native to that environment. Waves and particles are versions of other kinds of behavior taken by energy. Using that analogy, you flow in wavelike fashion into the physical particleized versions that you call corporal existences.

Give us a moment … I am putting this as simply as possible; but when your “original self” enters [part of] itself into three-dimensional life from an inner reality, the energy waves carrying it break — not simply into one particle, following our analogy, but into a number of conscious particles. In certain terms these are built up using the medium at hand — the biological properties of the earth. They spread out from the “point of contact,” forming individual lives. In your conception of the centuries, then, there are other counterparts of yourself living at the same time and in different places — all creative versions of the original self. There is a great intimate cooperation that exists biologically and spiritually between all of the beings on your planet “at any given time.” You are all connected psychically in terms of inner and outer structures. A certain identity and cohesiveness is also maintained because of these inner connections.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

You could retain the identity of yourself as you know yourself, and yet flow into a greater field or wave of reality that allowed you to perceive your own other motions or shapes or versions. You could become aware of a larger structure in which you also have your own validity, and therefore add to your own knowledge and to the dimensions of your experience.10

You can do this the easiest way, perhaps, by observing yourself in the dream state, for there you create versions of yourself constantly. In the morning you are enriched, not diminished.

Give us a moment … (Humorously, to me:) You are the living version of yourself in space and time, around which your world revolves.11 The great potentiality that exists in the unknown self, however, also actualizes other such focuses, and in the same space-time framework. They are not you, any more than you are the black man, or the white woman, or the Indian woman, or the Chinese man.

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

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