3 results for stemmed:zealous

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: March 25, 1984 populace bbc infirmity zealously British

The populace has embarked upon this strong exercise program because of a mixture of very unfortunate beliefs. Since they feel divorced from their bodies, many people suspect what is going on inside. Some religious beliefs suggest that the body is impure, and the heir to disease and infirmity. Often people exercise over-zealously to punish their bodies, or to force the body to respond at its best, since they do not trust it to do otherwise.

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 588, August 2, 1971 Christ Paul Zealots a.d Righteousness

[...] Paul was converted several years after Christ’s death; before that he had been a zealous persecutor of Christians. [...]

The Lord of Righteousness, so called, was such a person, but his over-zealous nature held him back.

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 911, April 28, 1980 genetic Iran rescue defective hostages

[...] Imagine this zealous and comprehensive orientation encountering the Russian and American world views (which in themselves oppose each other) at this time!