Results 1 to 20 of 94 for stemmed:tear

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 22, 1984 protected association tears pregnant wouldn

(At 4:40, she was near tears when I asked why her psyche hadn’t risen up to protect her when it became obvious that she was heading for deep trouble with the symptoms. She said her psyche did rise up to protect her many times — otherwise she’d have died, of course. She mentioned various periods of improvement — her work on her unfinished and unpublished autobiography, From This Rich Bed; her published novel, The Education of Oversoul Seven, and so on. But each time a new book came out she got worse. Near tears, she said that she didn’t have to get any worse when a new book comes out — what’s left? She agreed with me that she now has the ultimate protection of the hospital.

(The symptoms — and now the hospital — protected her from criticism, eliminated book tours, the whole bit. Jane got scared with Sumari in the beginning, just as she had at the start of the sessions in 1963, but she was also very curious and turned on. She was also frightened at the tests in sessions, of being wrong, and of the seance. Thought she’d be called a hysterical woman, an exhibitionist, and so on. Being right didn’t carry the weight that being wrong did. Very good. There were tears at various times with today’s material.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 2, 1984 Carla crying Marie murderer nurses

(In no time at all Jane’s Seth voice had moved closer and closer to tears.)

[...] The tears were streaming down Jane’s face as she came out of the session, and their flow increased as she cried more and more. [...]

(“I always tried to buy her things to make up,” Jane cried, her whole face twisted with tearful emotion. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 2, 1983 Georgia Wendy Cathy blue Christina

[...] “I love you,” I told her, and wiped away those tears. [...]

[...] I’d only wiped away Jane’s tears, and offered some words of comfort, then forgotten all about the thing. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session (For Mary Smith) May 3, 1972 Mary hear sound husband listen

[...] There is nothing degrading in tears. [...] The rain refreshes the ground and tears can refresh the soul when depressions are freed to follow their natural course. Then, indeed, they flow away in tears and the soul is refreshed. [...] So can tears refresh the land of your psyche. [...]

[...] You think that tears are cowardly. [...] You consider tears “degrading.” [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session March 6, 1972 repressed discouraged Crying tour emotional

[...] Her tears put you on the defensive, he felt. He even felt you considered tears contemptible.

TPS3 Deleted Session February 19, 1975 Foster house hill privacy formality

[...] You would end up, I imagine, tearing down a wall.

[...] You would definitely however end up tearing down a wall, and I believe that you might add another room, or want to possibly in the future, to one side. [...]

[...] She was near tears. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 12, 1984 blueness Karina Shawn lipstick eyebrow

(Long pause.) It may be far more pleasant to be good-humored all of the time — but in Ruburt’s situation the fairly infrequent periods of blueness do indeed operate therapeutically, so that he is able to express those feelings through tears, and therefore relieve the body of expressing the same feelings through additional symptoms.

[...] These are then released and expressed through tears or through a recognized period of blueness. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 13, 1983 Teresa bumpity Andrew Cathy crying

[...] I remember that once I woke up in bed, after midnight, and burst into tears as I thought about you. [...] But for a long time—months—I lived with tears just beneath the surface, you might say, as I wondered what was going to happen to us, why you were so sick, what we’d done wrong all those years, and so forth. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 10 Wednesday, June 23, 1982 song essay sing cupboards Sumari

While you were
all the cupboards
of the earth
were filled.
Mother Earth
sought out each

While you were
your tears fell
as sweet rain
drops on small
parched hills
that rise in worlds
you cannot see,
though you are known

While you were
Mother Earth
filled all the
cupboards of your

to overflowing.
Not one atom went
in worlds that
are yours,
but beyond your

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 11 Cunningham Miss starlings killing Rah

[...] My eyes brimmed over with tears. [...]

The idiot cries.
The tears slosh inside his boots.
The people say he’s bats
Because he weeps
When the police shoot down the starlings
Aiming at the tall-eyed trees.

“Do unto others, I tell you.”
He wanted to say more
But they carted him off.
The good people laughed.

On the ground was a puddle
Of the idiot’s tears.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 19, 1984 esteem beloved universe Newman misfits

[...] There were tears before lunch. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 4, 1984 devotedness panic moaning sniffles ham

(“I guess I’ve let the fear get into everything,” she said, tearfully.

TPS1 Session 478 (Deleted) April 28, 1969 pluck weeds pen desire sell

[...] It does not need to be watered with tears, with pledges, or told ten times a minute to grow. [...]

[...] He talked of selling the land and tearing down the terrace as a projected act of self-mutilation, mutilating something that he loved, to do penance for his sins, in his light.

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 15, 1984 Margaret chicken squeezed throat Heimlich

[...] Expressed in such a manner, they may indeed elicit tears on Ruburt’s part — and perhaps on your own as well.

TPS3 Session 784 (Deleted Portion) July 19, 1976 quicker protest discomfort trigger crying

[...] This was a quite legitimate physical expression, for as tension began to release it had a force meant to blow outward through tears, the whole process of crying relaxing those areas involved. [...]

WTH Epilogue by Robert F. Butts epilogue unfinished Yale eulogy gravesite

[...] Later, when I could be alone, my tears began to come. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: May 2, 1984 sonnet privacy priest hypnosis ager

[...] This was all part of our free-association material today, May 2. She vehemently expressed her feelings, with tears, that if she wanted privacy, being in the hospital wasn’t the way to get it. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 6, 1978 view tooth teeth aspirations comprehensions

[...] Practically speaking in your world, there is going to be some wear and tear. [...]

DEaVF2 Poems by Jane Roberts, with Commentary by Robert F. Butts poem lord commentary humbly nuzzled

lord let me remember how it was
when i nuzzled the air in the morning
and thought i could wiggle a distant leaf
just as i moved my own ears and toes.
i thought that i caused rain to fall
just as the tears from my own eyes
wet my cheeks,
and that my thoughts turned into clouds
that circled the top of my head.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 805, May 16, 1977 hunter species biological animals prey

[...] Life is seen as “a valley of tears” — almost as a low-grade infection from which the soul can be cured only by death.

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