Results 1 to 20 of 54 for stemmed:sweet

TPS7 Deleted Session November 20, 1983 sweetly honey torso movements exercize

Sweetly the pollen nourishes the universe

Sweet honey-voices sing lullabies and hosannas,

and open sweetly night and morning

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 13, 1984 massaged sweet unrolled Rita boulders

speeds a sweet swift message

sweet, glowing and mysterious

DEaVF1 Essay 10 Wednesday, June 23, 1982 song essay sing cupboards Sumari

[...] “Oh, your singing is so clear and sweet!” her visiting nurse had exclaimed the other day, when my wife had begun to sing while the nurse was changing the dressings on her decubiti. [...]

While you were
all the cupboards
of the earth
were filled.
Mother Earth
sought out each

While you were
your tears fell
as sweet rain
drops on small
parched hills
that rise in worlds
you cannot see,
though you are known

While you were
Mother Earth
filled all the
cupboards of your

to overflowing.
Not one atom went
in worlds that
are yours,
but beyond your

TPS5 Deleted Session September 27, 1978 revelation obedience reunion God era

[...] Seth’s closing reference to a “sweet creature” was a reference to our sweet cat, Willy, who midway in the session had hopped up on the couch and snuggled himself tight against my left side as I took notes.)

[...] I bid you a fond good evening—and to a sweet creature.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 29, 1984 nectar untasted honeybees raiding cubbyholes

from the past’s sweet moments,

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 17, 1984 crow girlhood sparrows chipmunks robin

the sweet smell of earth

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 28, 1984 keyholes honeycombs meadows golden buzzing

sipping sweet honeycombs

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 16, 1984 Ergo uttered eating proclamations coves

and a sweet response

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 22, 1984 pussycats cookies Cupboard southern buttercups

smelling sweet buttercups

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 8, 1984 proclamations leg glittering tendons hurt

ancient sweet recipe.

jigsaws of light, sweet bombs

TPS7 Deleted Session January 3, 1983 tray Sonsire sling swaddled Ken

The child is a part of the loving universe, its name forever written there, where all personalities have their sweet freedom. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 30, 1968 strap Janet engagement turnabout dainties

[...] My voice may not be melodious but I am of a sweet disposition. [...]

TES4 Session 169 July 12, 1965 Instream Dr Rhine crack gullible

There is a sweetness in the nature of your Dr. Rhine.

That sweetness allows for spontaneity, and explains why many of his cases succeeded. [...]

[...] He said that Dr. Rhine’s sweetness had led him into traps where his controls were not rigid enough during experiments, that his disposition was of the type that would not make him crack down. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session November 12, 1981 safe supported clued gritty nitty

[...] Allow yourself at times to imagine, at least, an important portion of your own creative self as innocent, sweet (gesture), and natural as that young Butts boy relative (Steve). [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: July 31, 1984 custard yolk Frank Trenton quavering

[...] Hidden within the sessions there is the splendid vitality of Father Trenton, his (Jane’s) mother, his neighbors and teachers — but beyond that the sessions connect and unite the annals of existence as he has experienced them, so that in speaking with my voice, and for me (quavering), he expresses the blessed vitality and acknowledgments of the universe, as even through the sessions the sweet universe acknowledges his own presence and being. [...]

DEaVF2 Poems by Jane Roberts, with Commentary by Robert F. Butts poem lord commentary humbly nuzzled

I’ve done the best I could
with thy sweet heritage of blood,
one creature like all the rest
born from your power and benevolence,
graced to share in what you are
for your love’s multiplication
knows no prejudice,
so let me humbly state my thanks

TPS4 Session 812 (Deleted Portion) October 1, 1977 tooth George cavity hypnosis acanthus

The need is a sexual one—your sweet tooth—for your sexual feelings have been rearoused by your intimate encounters with Ruburt, even while neither of you thus far have even been willing to devote time to sexual gratification in the deepest terms.

TPS5 Session 886 (Deleted Portion) December 3, 1979 impulses zounds grist imposed ve

[...] Usually the answer, in the vernacular, is short and sweet, as they say: The hell with it. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 31, 1984 dealer optimism car migrations Monarch

[...] The strawberry cake was impossibly rich and sweet, though.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 16, 1971 Kyle Bobby Joel blessings saintly

I do it for several reasons because that is the way I am, in the guise that I choose to use in my communication and also to get everyone over the idea that so-called spirits must be sweet-faced, quiet, sober and dignified. [...]

[...] The personality has a great humility and a true sweetness. [...]

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