Results 1 to 20 of 28 for stemmed:spectrum

DEaVF1 Chapter 5: Session 900, February 11, 1980 lampshades light Floyd colors spectrum

The colors of which you are aware represent a very small portion of light’s entire spectrum, just physically speaking, but the spectrum you recognize represents only one inconceivably small portion of other fuller spectrumsspectrums that exist outside of physical laws.

Now: On certain occasions, sometimes near the point of death, but often simply in conscious states outside of the body, man is able to perceive that kind of light. In some out-of-body experiences Ruburt, for example, saw colors more dazzling than any physical ones, and you saw the same kind of colors in your dream. They are a part of your inner senses’ larger spectrum of perception, and in the dream state you were not relying upon your physical senses at all.

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 567, February 17, 1971 fluctuations multiple atom microsecond steadily

(9:24.) You understand that there are spectrums of light. So are there spectrums of matter. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 23, 1971 hooded Wally Arnold tribute hungry

Anything that you perceive with your senses, for the point of our discussion, you can call material, but you only perceive certain ranges of material as you only perceive certain ranges of an entire spectrum of light. As there is a spectrum of light, so there is a spectrum of matter but you are not tuned in to the entire spectrum. [...]

UR1 Appendix 8: (For Session 690) ocean climate plunge camouflage likened

[...] So are all the other basic laws of the inner universe followed on every plane, and reflected from the most minute to the most gigantic spectrum.

DEaVF1 Chapter 3: Session 888, December 10, 1979 neural sleepwalkers hinterland unit particles

[...] That only seems true because of your particular range of activity, and because you can only pinpoint events within a particular psychological spectrum.

TES9 Session 470 March 26, 1969 pathways web impulses events perceive

[...] You are bound by an entire spectrum of events, some that have already grown dim in your memory, and others that have not yet occurred in your time. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 10, 1984 antibiotic urine heparin sample temperature

[...] She said it was “a broad spectrum drug” that could kill many germs. [...]

TES9 Session 449 November 18, 1968 integers Roger zero math minus

If you consider the positive and negative numbers like a spectrum, then, the spectrum shifts. [...]

TES8 Session 396 March 4, 1968 recreate hallucinatory misguided death training

[...] You are released into a wider spectrum of activity. [...]

TES9 Session 497 August 20, 1969 proficient astral obtained dreambook traveling

[...] You may be more naturally attracted to some over others, and we will deal with a fairly broad spectrum of experiences. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 5: Session 834, February 5, 1979 mosaics painting shared cults paranoia

[...] Yet the mosaics of consciousness are more like lights, radiating through themselves and through a million spectrums.

TES9 Session 467 March 12, 1969 brain perception quotes brainscape intellect

[...] They have to begin with more spectrums than those with which you are familiar. [...]

TMA Session Seventeen October 15, 1980 translating poetry playacting rational ancient

(Long pause at 9:35.) You know what sound is, yet as Ruburt knows, what you consider sound is only one of sound’s many spectrums. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 625, November 1, 1972 interior sound composed electromagnetic nerves

[...] These represent the temporal end of the spectrum of perception.

TPS6 Deleted Session July 4, 1981 bondings matrix safety bindings abandonment

I now want to put the Sinful Self material in a larger spectrum. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 715 October 28, 1974 library models Politics Unknown Roman

In Chapter 16, see the 567th session for February 17, 1971, at 9:24: “You understand that there are spectrums of light. So there are spectrums of matter. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 894, January 9, 1980 creatures scheme body self sensations

[...] Here, however, I only want to mention one facet, and that is the importance of physical sensation, of whatever kind—for the life of the body provides you, among all things, with a life of sensation, of feeling, a spectrum that must include the experience of all possible sensations within its overall range.

TPS4 Deleted Session May 1, 1978 bodybuilders verbal disapproval coaches pessimism

[...] In a way, both of you meant different things by communication, and used it to express only part of the spectrum of your feelings. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 581, April 14, 1971 particles ee faster m.h units

Your light, again, represents only a portion of an even larger spectrum than that of which you know; and when your scientists study its properties, they can only investigate light as it intrudes into the three-dimensional system. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 918, June 2, 1980 nuclear intervals venting mathematical passageways

[...] There are, then, other species like (underlined) your own, and in the vast spectrums of existence that your reality cannot contain, there have been galactic civilizations that came together when the conditions were right.

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