Results 1 to 20 of 586 for stemmed:sit

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 11, 1984 Darvoset porch Irises unwrapped sit

Now, again, Ruburt — Jane — will be able to go home again, in far better condition, able (long pause) finally to sit in a wheel-type chair.

The right leg will become much more mobile, so that the sitting is possible. There will be day-by-day —

I may or may not return — but he will sit on his back porch again.

TES7 Seth’s Lecture to Pat’s Boston High School Class March 25, 1967 classroom hell kill chromosomes Pat

[...] Every generation sits by. The young generation sits by, apparently helpless while the parents rule the world. [...]

The self that sits in class is not the self that wonders in a dream state, and the self that wonders in a dream state is, my dear friends, far more educated than the, self that sits in the classroom. [...]

[...] As you sit listening to my voice, you are all subconsciously forming the physical environment of your classroom. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 23, 1970 couch transpose solid organization assumptions

[...] The couch serves to unite them since they sit upon it. And what do they sit upon? [...]

[...] I look now between the two of you (looking at the couch where Natalie S. and Arnold were sitting). [...]

Now, you each generally agree, I am sure, that you sit upon a couch. [...]

SS Appendix: ESP Class Session: Tuesday, June 23, 1970 couch transpose organization solid assumptions

[...] The couch serves to unite them since they sit upon it. And what do they sit upon? [...]

[...] (As Seth, Jane looked at the couch, where Mary and Art were sitting.) I look now between the two of you. [...]

(To Mary and Art): You each generally agree, I am sure, that you sit upon a couch. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 27, 1983 torso moving belly hips flopping

(“If I could just sit up on the side of the bed,” Jane said. [...]

(“That’s a good point to keep in mind,” I said, “about sitting on the edge of the bed.” [...]

[...] “If I could just sit on the edge of the bed in a month, even.” [...]

TPS1 Session 567 (Deleted Portion) February 17, 1971 assertion blockage exercises exaggerated repressed

[...] That is, after she had been sitting for, say, half an hour, she was slow in getting up and under way, etc.

There are many different reasons involved there, depending upon the circumstances, his mental activities, and the habits, mental and physical, built up with the idea of sitting or lying down.

After sitting and blocking such impulses or responses, then it is only natural that the blockage pattern is set up. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 13, 1984 massaged sweet unrolled Rita boulders

I merely want to reassure Ruburt of my presence, to let him know that I hereby assert again those statements I made concerning his sitting on the porch.

[...] The session Seth had referred to was that for last Saturday, August 11, when he’d first mentioned that Jane would be able again to sit on her back porch. [...]

TES3 Session 119 January 6, 1965 outer ego Jung subconscious animus

(Jane said that when she delivers material while sitting and with her eyes closed, she is aware of a feeling of resistance at going into the dissociated state. [...] Once more now she resumed dictation while sitting down and with her eyes closed. [...]

[...] As session time approached she had no idea of what her procedure would be—whether she would sit, stand, pace, open or close her eyes, etc. [...]

(She was sitting opposite my table in a wicker chair as 9 PM arrived. [...]

TPS5 Session 871 (Deleted Portion) August 6, 1979 stopper glass rain wind blast

[...] At that time Jane was sitting at the kitchen table, perhaps seven feet from the open porch door. [...]

[...] I thought she may have yelled at the cats—but in the kitchen I saw that she was sitting at the table with shards of glass littering the rug at her feet. [...]

[...] Underneath the table I found a large jagged piece of glass, close to a foot across, propped up against the inner table leg where I usually sit. [...]

TPS5 Session 927 (Deleted Portion) November 10, 1980 bigger commotion bodily steadier firmer

[...] Sometimes at night I wake up when she’s sitting up, and rub her, which seems to help, but her ill feelings often return.

[...] “I wasn’t aware of how I was sitting or anything. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 30, 1971 ant revelant relevant cop answer

[...] But all of you sit here very nicely, very spontaneously, very alive, very conscious and none of you know, egotistically, how you do so or what make your thoughts work. [...] It sits in splendor upon a great throne and it usually does not want to know that the power resides beneath. [...]

[...] Sit quietly and listen to the tumult within you. [...]

[...] You sit here feeling isolated within your skins and for no reason for you, yourselves, enclose yourselves. [...]

TES3 Session 118 January 4, 1965 organism fields influences planes actuality

(Jane said she had the idea that Seth got her to sit down by letting her smoke. [...] As soon as she did sit down, Jane began to take longer pauses between phrases at times, as she had done in the last session. [...]

[...] She had no idea of the subject matter for the session, nor did she know whether she would sit with her eyes closed or pace about as usual.

[...] She was sitting down as 9 PM arrived. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 884, October 3, 1979 tradition geese straggling overcast divine

We are sitting here on a specific autumn evening. I am obviously dictating this book, speaking through Ruburt, while Joseph sits on the couch across from a very specific coffee table, taking down my words.

TPS7 Letter to Doctor Henry N. Williams June 7, 1982 ulcer finger dressing calindula Silvadene

[...] She was most uncomfortable sitting in the pool of moisture yesterday, and couldn’t keep that up since she spends so much time sitting—to begin with. [...]

UR2 Appendix 27: (For Session 739) Grunaargh Gutenberg movable beefy Sue

[...] Otherwise, how would they ever get up the gumption to sit around and carve out all those damn little characters? [...]

[...] I see a large, sort of beefy man with a red face, sitting at a piece of furniture like a drafting table, carefully cutting out these characters. [...]

[...] This is hard to specify, but he had the same feeling I have now about newspapers — the daily spreading out of ideas, and the kind of tremendous power behind that ability … I can see that corner of his shop/work area clearly in a half-light, illuminated by a candle in an enclosed mesh lantern sitting on a tabletop. [...]

TES3 Session 120 January 11, 1965 fields chemicals mankind bravo excess

[...] This feeling was heightened of course because she was also not sure whether she would sit with her eyes closed during the session, or pace about. [...]

[...] She had been fully dissociated, she said, much farther out than in earlier sessions before she began to sit down. [...]

[...] Again sitting down, and with her eyes closed, she resumed in the same rather loud and clear voice at 10:10.)

TPS7 Deleted Session November 5, 1983 pillow noises left unconscious ginger

[...] 3. How she’s going to manage sitting in a chair. [...] I added that no one knew how they managed to sit in a chair—all the thousands of motions, impulses, cellular actions, etc. [...]

[...] I hadn’t realized she was still focusing on how she was going to get to be able to sit in a chair, however. [...]

TES1 Session 8 December 15, 1963 fragment Mesophania board superego Ace

(Begun as usual, sitting at the board.

[...] No one should sit in who is not of same mind yet.

[...] In these instances she felt too restless and impatient to merely sit quietly while the board spelled [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, September 17, 1968 dog door taskmaster yaps fear

All, all–life is full of vitality, and all life is joyful, and sitting around the table with long faces is not any more beneficial than sitting around the table with wine on it and the lights lit. [...]

I still do not understand, however, why earlier Ruburt whispered and why these long serious faces as we sit about the table. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session May 10, 1982 Dr thyroid dozing Cummins gland

[...] She added that she often thought of trying something that way, but that she hesitated to ask me to take the time to sit around in case nothing happened, since she knew I was trying to work as much as I could on the intro for Seth’s Dreams. My answer was that I’d gladly do the sitting around if she wanted to, on the chance that we might get some helpful material—especially about her own condition.

For now I bid you a fond good evening—but your policy of sitting and waiting is a good one, at least several times a week.... [...]

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