1 result for (heading:"esp class session januari 13 1970" AND stemmed:joy)

ECS2 ESP Class Session January 13, 1970 7/30 (23%) garden plants joy flower Florence
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 2 Sessions 1/6/70 to 12/29/70
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session January 13, 1970 Tuesday

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

And if the life force did not sustain you, then you could cry, “I am I!” to nothing, for there would be no self to cry. Each of us is dependent upon the spirit of life—without which there is no life—without which there is no vitality—and no song and no mind to question. The cells within your fingers know this reality and this joy. Let it then fill your own being! Listen to the knowledge within the cells of your fingers and they will teach your intellect what joy is—and from this your intellect can learn to sing! Include yourself in with the vitality of the universe, you cannot say no to it. And even when you say “no” to it, you are shouting “yes” as long as you live! Then shout yes with joy -the cells of your body shout yes.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

And if my voice does not sound joyful when I speak of joy, it is simply a matter of mechanics.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now. It is hard for me to tell you that you are a merry rose in a happy garden (to Florence. Laughter from the class.) You only see the thorns. It is hard for me to remind you of the seriousness—and yet of the joy of your existence. And that is why I told our friend that his humor could be his salvation. A child discovers many truths in play and so can you—if you allow yourselves the freedom of spontaneous mental and psychic play. Also because of the mechanics involved, I cannot dance like your Tiny Tim, “through the tulips.” (Laughter from the class.) But I do beseech each of you to look within yourselves for that joy that is your own—and to accept it. It is not that the joy is not present, but that you refuse to acknowledge it. Now. I admit that I sound old and ponderous—and yet, I would go tip-toeing through the tulips—and not feel a loss of dignity—nor worry about who saw me.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now. When I speak of joy, I do not mean happiness. I would like some of you to awaken in the middle of the night when the world is quiet, and go to the window and open it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Imagine, as a simple technique, that you are what you are—a consciousness with all the potentials of development—even those potentials that you do not understand. For it is only you that set up limitations. Your self is infinite. If you would but realize this fact, then you could begin to experience joy and your true identity. And it is not difficult—if you ask yourself—“Who am I?”—and listen for the answer. Then, the answer will come in terms of subjective experience.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

And you will realize that there are no limitations to the self except those that you insist upon—because of your own limited conceptions—and that joy is still yours, it has always been yours, and after more lives than I should tell you, that joy is still mine.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I bid you a blessed and a joyful and a peaceful good evening.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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