4 results for stemmed:semicolon

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 523, April 13, 1970 environment script semicolon pall subjugations

(9:23. Note the semicolon in the first sentence of the above paragraph. Seth requested that I punctuate the sentence just that way. He made such requests often while dictating this book.)

UR2 Section 5: Session 722 November 27, 1974 particles waves Physicists pool wavelike

[...] This is precisely why they form the basis for dream reality, semicolon; why objects in a dream can appear and disappear.

UR2 Section 5: Session 725 December 11, 1974 strands identity mountain invaded rocks

[...] It is fashionable to say: “You are what you eat” semicolon; that, for example, “You must not eat meat because you are killing the animals, and this is wrong.” [...]

SS Introduction chapter book unconscious mine Rob

[...] In such cases, we just inserted the hyphens, semicolons, and parentheses as he suggested, and deleted the directions themselves to avoid distracting the reader. [...]