2 results for stemmed:roulett

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 10, 1984 drugs suicide abandon roulette therapist

Many people who use drugs socially are playing a kind of psychological Russian roulette. Their feelings can run something like this: “If I’m meant to live, these drugs won’t hurt me, and if I’m meant to die, what difference does it make what I take?” They are taking a certain kind of chance with their own lives, however — those who indulge in such activities — and the stakes can be high.

(Very long pause at 3:14.) Doctors should be extremely cautious in the prescription of mind-altering drugs of any kind, and certainly not encourage their use for people in depressed states. Under drugs, choices become limited, and certainly people have committed suicide while under the influence of drugs — who may not have otherwise. I am not saying that drugs alone will cause suicide, but that the psychology of drugs already includes an attitude that promotes a Russian-roulette kind of mentality, that can only add to the problem.

TES5 Session 218 December 15, 1965 Priestley Peggy Dunne San seminar

[...] Bill clearly remembers a white man, at least 60 years old by his estimate, who stood next to him at the roulette table at the casino. [...]