3 results for stemmed:nasti

TPS4 Deleted Session August 7, 1978 mental nasty apprehended language processes

(We also discussed a letter Jane had received today from a young man who’d visited us unannounced a couple of months ago; he thinks he’s being bugged by nasty voices from outer space; before that he’d insisted that Seth was speaking through him. He still refuses to consider that his problem is a psychological one, instead of disembodied, outside evil voices picking on him. I’d felt badly about his visit, since we certainly accorded him a hostile reception, and evidently had accomplished little.

(I ended up this evening wondering why nature would provide within its limitless possibilities that of such nasty ideas or creations—which, I told Jane, only meant that we had the power or ability to create such ungainly hassles. But to what end? There must still be much we don’t know, I concluded —-many things that Seth hasn’t even touched upon yet, and that are undreamed of by us from our viewpoint. I mention this conversation here because you-know-who refers to it in passing in the session. I think that actually it’s worth excerpting from the session and keeping in view for future reference and questioning.)

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 2, 1984 Carla crying Marie murderer nurses

[...] I felt like directing some very nasty barbs at Marie — especially when I remembered those old photos of Jane that I’d looked at a couple of days ago. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 17 Nicoll Sue bitter probable Carl

[...] I suddenly say to them, ‘My name is Sue Watkins, and my husband’s name is Carl.’ They give me a rather nasty ‘so-what’ look.

Jane and Rob glance at each other and laugh — a nasty, bitter laugh. [...]