3 results for stemmed:matrix

TPS6 Deleted Session July 4, 1981 bondings matrix safety bindings abandonment

(A one-minute pause at 8:38. Jane had been speaking quite emphatically between long pauses. Seth’s use of “matrix” above reminded me that before the session Jane had mentioned that he wanted to discuss her Sinful Self material in a new sort of matrix.)

In any case the “troublesome” material remained (long pause), relatively inactive more or less—unless and until certain situations arose, unless and until his curiosity and ability led him to actively challenge those ideas while also in a situation where the natural fear of abandonment might be implied or suggested. The individual’s impetus is toward growth, development and understanding. These, again, these seemed to imply a matrix for some kind of safety. At certain points, then, the assimilation of new information is so qualifiedly different from the original belief structure that in order to assimilate it the personality is left for a time between belief systems.

The old attitude kept reinforcing the idea of self-disapproval, accusation, period. What is wanted is another matrix or support from which the personality can assimilate still newer knowledge, and continue to develop—generally speaking—with a sense of relative freedom.

UR2 Section 5: Session 718 November 6, 1974 James view Jung tuned William

These “other,” reinterpreted world views form a matrix from which new creativity emerges. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 12: Session 939, January 25, 1982 magical clouds approach singing Chapter

[...] I added that once again we could try searching the creative matrix of the symptoms themselves for the solutions to her challenges, and mine as well, for that is where those solutions will be found.