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TPS6 Deleted Session April 29, 1982 Israel anguish Golda heavily Jowett

(This is the second session I’ve typed today. I was typing last night’s deleted session this morning, when at about 10:00 AM Jane said she would like to lie down briefly. She felt like passing out, she said, but I took this to mean she’d soon want to get up, as usual. Instead, she slept heavily for over an hour. I’d placed the goose-down pillow under her knees, following the suggestion given us yesterday by nurse Peggy Jowett. When I looked in on Jane at 10:30, thinking she’d want to get up, I found instead that she was sleeping heavily, with her knees and legs relaxed and “dumped” to her left in a more relaxed position than usual. I left her alone, then.

(I finished last night’s session at 11:00 AM, filed the carbons, etc., and called Jane at about 11:15, thinking that I’d get to spend half an hour in the yard before lunch. [I’d begun to mow the grass.] Jane was waking—but she was in a surprisingly uncomfortable, “sore” state involving her legs and hips. Much more than usual, she said, breathing heavily through her mouth and half-crying at the same time. It was clear something had happened: Jane said her legs were more relaxed than they’d been in years—but at the same time they were so sore she was appalled. I massaged them, and she said that action felt great but at the same time almost unendurable, so I soon stopped. I got her in her chair and out to the living room table.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 30, 1982 increased motion noncommittal ordeal downgraded

[...] I’d slept heavily for a couple of hours this afternoon. [...]

TES2 Session 53 May 13, 1964 Dalmatian brief peaks harm tanned

[...] Wednesdays are also witness nights, but since it was raining heavily we’d had no visitors. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 812, October 1, 1977 paranoid Paranoia misinterpretation shared Peter

[...] With most mental aberrations, you are dealing with people whose private symbols are so heavily thrust over prime sense data that even those data sometimes become almost invisible. [...]

TES9 Session 424 July 29, 1968 sepia varnish thoughtwords vacation synthetic

[...] I was sure of the color but was not positive as to whether you were using it too heavily or not heavily enough. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1983 Steve tray butter foot left

[...] It was raining heavily, but warm. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 7: May 13, 1984 parents illness youngster reward children

[...] It was also rainy, and rained heavily later in the afternoon. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 3, 1984 moaning crying teary Georgia opera

[...] It was raining heavily, just as it had done periodically yesterday afternoon. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1983 stone grunting spot Honey minerals

[...] “Oh Honey, Honey, Honey,” she chanted, breathing heavily and grunting and groaning. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 17, 1983 spasms Christina bladder itchy itch

[...] “See, that’s the impetus from the spine again,” Jane said, breathing heavily. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 17, 1984 Bactrim joyride car Cadillac maintenance

(She’s been coughing a lot and blowing her nose heavily since I got to 330 today. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 5, 1984 funeral breakfast eating chucks uneven

[...] It was raining heavily when I left the house.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1983 Darlene foot streak leg hydro

[...] In spite of it all things went well, Jane said, though “they” ran the water more heavily than the old staff members did, and Jane said she couldn’t try to move her feet as easily with the increased pressure of the water. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 6, 1983 Joe Christina Bumbalo Susie LuAnn

(The day was warmer—40 degrees—but very damp, and ended up raining heavily by the time I left for home. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 12, 1983 stylized Andrew chart dollars foot

[...] It was raining heavily, but warm—about 35—and I got my feet wet because I’d left my rubbers in 330. [...]

UR2 Appendix 17: (For Session 711) beta waves brain theta eeg

Despite your reliance upon one range only, your world of consciousness draws heavily upon all of the known wave patterns, and from others of which you are unaware. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 22, 1968 withdrew cough transgression control truth

Now, do not walk so heavily the paths of earth. [...]

TES9 Session 423 July 17, 1968 friction soundlessly primitive lips nodded

[...] Her arms had fallen heavily over the arms of the rocker before the session ended. [...]

TES8 Session 358 August 2, 1967 Pete Boston Marilyn rugs sister

[...] She fell rather heavily, he told us, and could have struck her head. [...]

TES3 Session 125 January 25, 1965 electrical intensity distance Lee incense

(Lee Wright also breathed very heavily during the seance, felt a great relaxation, and yet also felt he could end the experiment at any time. [...]

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