Results 1 to 20 of 61 for stemmed:gentleman

TES8 His Impressions Given, on May 5, 1967 Gallagher Bill filibuster Formica gentleman

Incapable gentleman with a crew cut.

Madison Avenue. Tactics and a gentleman Bill sees clearly for the first time.

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 20, 1968 shall demonstrations somber am gentleman

[...] May I say that I do indeed enjoy this situation, now being indeed the only gentleman present. [...]

[...] Therefore, when you are tempted to think of it as an end of all, then remember that you know a rather lively spirit and when you hear my voice speaking through Ruburt this evening then remember how hoarse it was before I began to speak, and know indeed that were I not such a gentleman, I could add considerably to its volume. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session August 12, 1979 groin Protestants moral parochial money

[...] Americans have had a fine and often understandable disdain for what was thought of as the European gentleman, or even the literary gentleman, or the man who somehow or other did not have to “rub elbows with the masses.” [...]

You may laugh with some disdain when I mention, for example, that in some other societies, both today and in the past (pause) a gentleman proved his moral worth and value by not working. [...]

You are afraid you will be thought of as a gentleman of leisure—at the worst a moral crime most certainly in light of the beliefs that originated at the time the Protestants first abandoned the Roman Catholic Church. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, December 26, 1967 alligators Harvey listen Archie fears

[...] I am here because you wish me to be here, and I am a kindly old gentleman. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 8, 1978 taxes complacency contemptuous Edgecomb alike

[...] This was the time of caution and danger, when a man could retire, settle for security, give in to complacency—or even become a gentleman farmer—as he was at times tempted to do (with amusement).

[...] And with Frank in terms of probabilities, the Edgecomb adventure may still go through—but Frank and his brother each gave the gentleman permission to act as he has. [...]

TES8 Session 336 April 19, 1967 stout atmosphere Midwest weather Peg

An incapable gentleman with a crew cut, brownish hair, precisely in the middle of his organization. [...]

Madison Avenue and tactics and a tall, fairly well-proportioned gentleman with a striped tie. [...]

TES9 ESP Class Notes May 20, 1969 Crosson Jim answers Venice Reverend

He seems like a very nice gentleman to me. [...]

[...] I have been in my many pasts an intellectual gentleman and a frivolous female. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 20, 1969 Jack Cross answers lighthearted journey

He seems like a very nice gentleman to me. [...]

[...] I have been, in my many pasts, an intellectual gentleman and a frivolous female. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, September 7, 1971 adjacent Mu step road iv

Now I wanted to say a few words and he is worried about the gentleman upstairs and wants me to keep my voice down. [...]

TES8 Session 339 May 3, 1967 coastline garage dunes Chula Vista

[...] Indeed, a many-talented gentleman. [...]

TES4 Session 168 July 7, 1965 fate accent Lorraine sensation Jesuit

Whenever it is possible, I would suggest that our gentleman with the ulcer read our last sessions. [...]

I am as you know a rather humorous gentleman. [...]

UR2 Appendix 27: (For Session 739) Grunaargh Gutenberg movable beefy Sue

“I think my beefy gentleman, by the way, also wrote editorials….”

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 855, May 21, 1979 vocabulary scientific vowels professor syllables

[...] I know that eventually I’ll mail to that gentleman whatever insights Seth gives us.

TES8 Session 360 August 16, 1967 Fell Merle Burke August York

[...] I am a cagey old gentleman

TES9 Session 483 May 21, 1969 Reverend Crosson Berkshires cybernetics psycho

[...] He had many questions for Seth, which that gentleman answered with his usual aplomb.)

TPS4 Deleted Session November 14, 1977 technology civilizations sophisticated microfilm Raphael

There is a connection on your part between your own interest in the Jewish past, and your art, and the gentleman (Raphael Soyer) who is an artist and a twin, to whom you sent Cézanne.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 Gert Florence Arnold Doug Brad

[...] Now I am indeed a harmless gentleman. A gentleman without a body must be harmless, so why do I meet such fear as I always do in this class. [...]

TES8 Session 358 August 2, 1967 Pete Boston Marilyn rugs sister

[...] (Pause.) And for our romantic Boston friend (smile), the following: at this time you are (smile) not wasting your time with your fine gentleman friend. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 27, 1971 Maria Edgar scanned shove hypnotized

[...] Now, I am a very fine, kind old gentleman, at least in this aspect, so you need not be nervous. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 8, 1968 Lillian Clifton Bonnie Indian Arc

[...] On occasion I can be a very humorous and kindly gentleman. [...]

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