7 results for stemmed:foreknowledg

TPS7 Deleted Session January 9, 1983 delays Rembrandt quicker snail foreknowledge

(“Okay.” 4:10 PM. Jane’s voice had been somewhat stronger in her delivery. I think it quite obvious that in spite of her foreknowledge, a certain portion of her is not having any delays. This portion is either simply impatient, and perhaps not trusting of the snail’s pace at which we seem to move, or it doesn’t even know that a return home is imminent. If the former is the case, that portion would know that the quicker we get the organism out of the hospital environment the quicker a true healing can begin. We’ll see....

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 9, 1984 Potter Penny Lois Sayre rn

(Long pause.) You had your own experiences last evening: your foreknowledge of your friend’s phone call, and the unorthodox (long pause) knowledge about the money — and those two events happened because you did indeed want another small assurance of the mind’s capabilities despite the official concepts of the mind, by which you are so often surrounded.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 664, May 21, 1973 earthquakes unstable chemicals storms excesses

[...] In other cases the body’s foreknowledge is reflected in dreams, and so alters daily life that an escape takes place. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 794, February 21, 1977 brain orange neural double sequences

(As I talked so easily about this, without any conscious foreknowledge or preparation, I realized I’d been mulling over our friend’s letter, and that this was the way my ideas spontaneously came out. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 6: Session 907, April 14, 1980 genetic determinism artist volition actor

[...] And he still struggles with questions about his freedom before God’s omnipotence and foreknowledge, and whether those qualities cause events, or can cause them, and whether they involve predestination. [...]

TES1 Session 38 March 25, 1964 sixth sense fifth tissue sensation

[...] I am not ruling out for now any foreknowledge on Ruburt’s part.

TES3 Session 104 November 4, 1964 Jimmy sale warning dump rush

[...] Jane had no idea of what material the session might cover, as far as foreknowledge went.