7 results for stemmed:flavor

SDPC Epilogue — A Personal Evaluation interior apport flavor provided alertness

In extracting material on dreams from our many sessions, I have, to some extent, ripped it out of its living context. Each session, for example, includes Rob’s notes which provide a constant physical framework and reference to our daily activities. Seth’s monologues are broken up by humorous references or snatches of conversation with Rob. Seth’s own book, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, will be presented using the session format, however, so that the entire flavor of the sessions can be appreciated.

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 917, May 21, 1980 imagination eccentricity disorders insane stockpile

[...] He adds a flavor to the world that would be missing otherwise, and through his very eccentricity, to some extent he shows other people that their rigid views of reality may indeed have chinks in them here and there.

NotP Chapter 7: Session 779, June 14, 1976 psyche adjacently language biological pain

(Long pause at 9:27.) In a way, physically you are a molecular language that communicates to others, but a language with its own peculiarities, as if speaking an accepted tongue you spoke with a biological accent that carried its own flavor and meaning.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 29, 1981 Sinful dmso document entire Self

[...] You can see the Sinful Self’s connection with creativity easily, as it communicated through its document, which is for example very well written, carrying its own flavor. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 557, October 28, 1970 enters fetus birth identification obsessional

[...] Various types of bodies may be chosen, but there will still be overall preferences on the part of the whole self, and characteristics that will lead the whole self, so that generally the various lives lived will still have their own individual flavor.

TES1 Session 11 January 1, 1964 mirror palm wrist fingers hand

[...] The parts containing quotes from Jane, Bill or myself will be rendered to the best of my recall, and if they are not accurate, I am sure their flavor will be. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 17, 1978 accident death family killed tragedy

[...] He did not want to live into an old age—but more than that, life had lost its flavor for him. [...]