Results 1 to 20 of 44 for stemmed:erupt

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 5, 1984 sex eruptions degrading bestial police

I am not here stating that all police guards, members of the military or whatever, fall into that category. Such people will, however, tend toward a strongly disciplined life. Many of their health problems will deal with eruptions — interior ulcers, skin eruptions, or in very definite mental and emotional eruptions, and great outbursts of force and temper all the more noticeable because of the usual disciplined patterns of behavior.

NotP Chapter 8: Session 783, July 12, 1976 hub language cordellas circular wheel

[...] A volcanic eruption in one corner of the world will ultimately affect the entire earth in varying degrees. An emotional eruption will do the same thing on another level, altering the local area primarily but also sending out its ripples into the mass psychological environment. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 733 January 27, 1975 massive jigsaw greed counterparts utter

There are earthquakes that erupt physically, and tracings are made of them. There are also inner earthquakes of consciousness from which the physical ones emerge — storms of mind or being, eruptions in which one segment of the world consciousness, repressed in one area, explodes in another.

TPS7 Deleted Session January 2, 1984 bandages itching pendulum powdery scratching

[...] The idea was that recent interruptions “got under your skin,” and erupted, so to speak, expressing your irritation. [...]

TES7 Session 320 February 20, 1967 compulsive pamper token denial sweaters

[...] The ego did not appear rigid, for the inner seethings made it impossible, and spontaneity constantly erupted, but in ways the whole personality felt were the least dangerous.

[...] The spontaneity did erupt in constant nervous behavior, and erratic behavior. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Sessions July 9, 1977 Saturday July 10, 1977 fanatic threat fools safety rancor

Grudges and old hatreds and old alliances that could otherwise really erupt, say, into wars or bloodshed in your country, are instead given normal, periodic eruptions so that free speech, of whatever nature—even inflammatory —serves to bring such issues into the open.

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 523, April 13, 1970 speech convey unselfconsciously transmitted words

You may perhaps argue that the book was manufactured physically, and did not suddenly erupt through Ruburt’s skull, already printed and bound. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 673, June 27, 1973 hatred hate war love powerlessness

In a way I am sorry that this is not the place to discuss the Second World War (1939–45), for it was also the result of a sense of powerlessness which then erupted into a mass blood bath on a grand scale. [...]

Hate, left alone then, does not erupt into violence. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: June 24, 1984 canker chemotherapy lemon nirvana philosophies

(A canker sore that began to erupt at supper time last evening really bothered me while I tried to sleep. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 804, May 9, 1977 senility biological alien defense social

[...] When an area of the body “erupts,” there are also emergency measures taken locally, and aid sent from other portions of the body to afflicted parts.

The physical eruption, while it may appear to be a disaster in the area of the disease, is also, however, a part of the body’s defense system, taken to insure the whole balance of the body. [...]

TES6 Session 272 June 29, 1966 violence docile child retaliate aggressiveness

[...] When it is not properly used it backs up so to speak, and explodes or erupts in what seems to be a destructive manner. [...]

He does not see his mother because he imagines subconsciously that he is protecting her from his own violence against her, lest after all these years it might erupt. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session July 17, 1972 Nebene Josef details suspicious purified

[...] It erupted suddenly at the age of 45 and ran for 10 years. [...]

[...] The creativity in your mother simply erupted in emotional tantrums, also dangerous and unproductive. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 726 December 16, 1974 island spirit volcano desert sand

[...] It feels an ever-thrusting power, rushing up from beneath, that erupts in always-changing form. [...] When the volcano itself, ceaselessly erupting, wishes for peace, the spirit of the first island thinks of its own quiet home shores. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 2, 1983 stone grunting spot Honey minerals

(“I was hoping he’d explain that red spot on top of my knee,” she said, adding her statement of earlier in the afternoon that she hoped it wasn’t another ulcer starting, like the previous one that had finally erupted on her knee. [...]

TPS2 Session 608 Deleted. Seth’s Preface: “The Manufacture of Personal Reality” April 5, 1972 correlating core Oversoul reincarnation brain

[...] She or Seth, hadn’t been bothered by an eruption of noise from the apartment over us; several people entered there after the session started; there was much walking about, banging of furniture, etc, that I found quite irritating. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 16, 1984 Joe coughing clerk recovered frightened

[...] This is Day 15 of her new campaign, and I’d already reminded her of the question we wanted Seth to answer: Why had this fever and infection business erupted after Day 1?

TMA Session Fourteen September 29, 1980 modern effortlessness psychological deranged explosive

Fanaticism abounds, of course, because the human tendencies and experiences that have been denied by the mainline society erupt with explosive force, where the tendencies themselves must be accepted as characteristics of human experience. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

[...] This had erupted in a mass suicide, involving over 400 Americans, in the community of Jonestown in what was formerly British Guyana, in South America. [...]

SDPC Part One: Chapter 1 constructions Cunningham idea entity amoeba

In The Seth Material, I included only a few brief quotes from “The Physical Universe As Idea Construction,” but here I will go into that manuscript somewhat more thoroughly, since it is so close to the “raw form” that erupted from that experience and represents, in embryo, I believe, the material that Seth would later be giving us. [...]

[...] Such events are like geysers that erupt suddenly, bringing us close to the center of our being. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 31, 1978 Jupenlasz Mansfield Scott pioneering Nearing

Symbolically, a boil erupts and the flesh cleanses itself. [...]

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