2 results for stemmed:elephantiasi

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Expansion or Contraction of the Tissue Capsule capsule tissue lighter elephantiasis widening

Rob and I have had some experience using this Inner Sense. So have several of my students. In Psy-Time this results in a peculiar “elephantiasis” feeling: I feel as if I am expanding and yet getting lighter and lighter in weight. The sensation can also arise just before an out-of-body experience. I have felt this in reverse in several sessions with the other personality, Seth Two.

TES8 Session 406 April 22 1968 cozily trance halt lethargy manifestation

[...] She had an odd feeling of elephantiasis in her head, she said: “My ears feel like they’re out to here” —and she held up her hands a foot away from her ears. [...]