4 results for stemmed:copper

TES3 Session 86 September 9, 1964 enclosure copper tube September incense

I will now bring the session to a close regretfully, and despite the incense and copper so thoughtfully presented. Indeed, under most circumstances they could prove beneficial, although with all good respects for what you have in mind, you would have to literally line the walls with copper in this room.

(Bill Macdonnel arrived to witness the session. With him he brought some rolls of copper sheeting for our table, and incense and a burner. Both of these items, Jane had read recently, had been shown to be useful in psychic states by adding negative ions to the air. A negatively charged atmosphere has been shown to effectively increase one’s psychic abilities.

(I thought the copper insufficient in quantity, but we unrolled it upon the table, and lit the incense. Its pleasant musty smell filled the room. I thought the trappings might bring forth some rather pungent comments from Seth, but kept my own counsel. Jane was not nervous before the session. She began dictating in a quiet and amused voice, quite slowly. Her pacing was also slow, her eyes dark as usual.)

TES6 Session 248 April 4, 1966 Doug transparencies ball music Betts

[...] This referred to the copper-colored buttons on the boy’s jacket, a new suit, I believe.

[...] The jacket has copper-colored buttons. [...]

TES6 Session 254 April 27, 1966 kettle Lilliard teapot gliddiard looming

I have the impression again of copper, but this may simply be connected with the kettle impression. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 913, May 5, 1980 Steffans Mrs woodcuts David heroic

[...] Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) experimented with his own method of copper engraving. [...]