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TES9 Session 440 October 7, 1968 joy preoccupation Pat life conditions

Now I tell you this to clear the air, and show you that your conditions will not be met while you hold them as conditions. Only when you accept life and do not hold conditions...

If every cell set up the conditions of its own existence you would not have a body. The conditions blind you to what life is, even to the miraculous balance and imbalance of physical and nonphysical that allows you to think and breathe. Forget your conditions and you will realize the meaning of joy within your own life.

Instead your love is very wide and deep. It can aid many people, for it is ungeneralized and vast, and it will bring you much satisfaction and pleasure as it helps others. But you must not insist on any one condition as a prerequisite for existence. I am not saying that you will not have what you want, again, but as long as you hold the wish as a condition of existence you will not.

TES5 Session 208 November 15, 1965 primary secondary clock gravity conditions

Identity of the inner self operates very well within primary conditions. It is dependent upon primary conditions. Its manipulation of primary conditions gives it the knowledge of itself. [...]

[...] Again, this does not mean that secondary conditions such as aging and gravity and clock time, do not have effects within your system, obviously. It is only that these must be recognized as secondary conditions that do not therefore basically (underlined) affect the inner self, which is to a large degree independent of your system.

A recognition of the differences between primary and secondary conditions can however allow you to minimize the effect of the secondary conditions to some considerable degree.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 15, 1984 Trapeze defying stunts Margaret regulated

[...] Many such people do not feel at all safe living under life’s usual conditions. They protect themselves by setting up the conditions of such an encounter, and controlling those conditions, again down to the smallest detail.

[...] They work with a carefully calculated eye, under conditions in which each detail, however minute, is of supreme importance. [...] Through testing “fate,” death-defiers try each time they perform to prove to themselves that they are indeed safe, that they can overcome life’s most dire conditions. [...]

[...] It regards all activity as experience, as a momentary condition of life (pause), as a balancing situation. But it possesses a sense of wholeness and of overall integrity, for it knows that it continues to exist, though under different conditions, and it realizes that this change is as natural and necessary as the change of seasons if each individual is to continue to exist, while the earth itself possesses the nutriments necessary to the survival of physical life.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 802, April 25, 1977 epidemics disease plagues inoculation die

In some historical periods the plight of the poor was so horrible, so unendurable, that outbreaks of the plague occurred, literally resulting in a complete destruction of large areas of the environment in which such social, political, and economic conditions existed. [Those] plagues took rich and poor alike, however, so the complacent well-to-do could see quite clearly, for example, that to some extent sanitary conditions, privacy, peace of mind, had to be granted to the poor alike, for the results of their dissatisfaction would have quite practical results. [...]

Not only do such states of mind lower the defenses, however, but they activate and change the body’s chemistries, alter its balances, and initiate disease conditions. Many viruses inherently capable of causing death, in normal conditions contribute to the overall health of the body, existing side by side as it were with other viruses, each contributing quite necessary activities that maintain bodily equilibrium.

The epidemics then serve many purposes — warning that certain conditions will not be tolerated. There is a biological outrage that will be continually expressed until the conditions are changed.

TES8 Session 340 May 10, 1967 headache Greek despondency chorus dragons

[...] If you read our early material, you will see that your environment and the conditions of your life at any given time are the direct result of your own expectations. [...]

If you imagine dire circumstances, ill health or desperate loneliness, these will be automatically materialized, for these thoughts themselves bring forth the conditions that will give them reality in physical terms. [...]

[...] You can use this for your own benefit and change your conditions, once you realize what the rules are.

TPS3 Deleted Session March 13, 1974 method winter housework astrology overcome

[...] Ruburt however did choose a condition which could be experienced and then conquered. It was a condition that for example would not involve destruction of organs, or reliance upon the medical profession. [...]

Again, the choice was of a condition that could be overcome and that did not involve the medical profession. [...] Someone working for their own purposes at an entirely different level might choose a physical condition that necessitated the medical profession, and might result in an important medical discovery.

Your part of the purpose of course was to witness Ruburt’s condition, and therefore give you an emotional realization of the nature of the nature of beliefs as they applied not only to the two of you, but to others. Ruburt’s vitality, then, despite the conditions, would also serve to remind you of the indomitable vitality of the race, and your part in trying to set forth ideas and directions that would be of benefit.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 660, May 2, 1973 foods vitamins overweight eat diet

In the oddest fashion, then, your diets simply reinforce the condition — since you diet because you believe so deeply in your overweight condition.

Dictation: There is a definite correlation between what is called conditioning, and compulsive action.

Here posthypnotic suggestion operates as well as constant daily “conditioning.” [...]

NoME A note by R.F.B. overfrighten outspoken r.f.b annoying Manifesto

“Generally speaking, for example, if you are seriously worried about a physical condition, go to a doctor, because your own beliefs may overfrighten you otherwise. Begin with innocuous but annoying physical conditions, however, and try to work those out for yourself. [...] When you have a headache or a simple stomach upset, or if you have a chronic, annoying but not serious condition, such as trouble with your sinuses, or if you have hay fever — in those situations, remind yourself that your body does indeed have the capacity to heal itself.” [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 24, 1973 reactivated financial disciplinary he criticize

Ruburt’s (very relaxed) condition today was the result of Friday’s news (about the very good sales of all of Jane’s books), and the body was ridding itself of a tension. Ruburt is aware that those purposes served by his physical condition are quickly vanishing. [...]

Now: the original reasons for the condition are vanishing. In order to bring about those conditions however, Ruburt reactivated old body beliefs that now have to be dealt with.

Ruburt’s condition will improve. That is already established, but there is a great difference between improvement and the relatively complete physical freedom he can have, that will come as he realizes his conscious control over his body’s condition.

TPS2 Deleted Session October 8, 1973 rituals gums shoes dissolved walking

A dentist would shudder, and often surgical methods are used to correct such a condition, when, if left alone, and with changes in a person’s living situation, the condition would right itself. Often of course it would not, because of beliefs and conditioning. In this case however the condition will right itself as the tension is being released. [...]

They will be improved as his overall condition improves. [...] Tension caused the condition, and the gums were weakened The vitamins are of a help.

Generally, with the conditions as given, your surroundings were well-chosen. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 10: Session 539, July 1, 1970 seventy rain racketing sirens death

In other words, the environment, conditions, and methods of perception will not be alien. [...] These conditions, however, have been blotted out of your consciousness in the main, throughout physical history. [...]

[...] With practice you will discover that your normal waking consciousness is highly limited, and that what you thought of once as death conditions seem much more like life conditions. [...]

[...] There are other voices, but you have conditioned your ears not to hear them. [...]

UR2 Section 6: Session 729 January 13, 1975 astrology charts violets birthdate ant

[...] You are born at a certain time, at a certain place, under certain conditions — but consciousness always forms the conditions. If it is to some extent affected by those conditions, then, it is because the effects follow in the same way that a painter is affected by the landscape that he has himself created. [...]

[...] Its whole growth is dependent upon the weather conditions in that particular area, even though those conditions themselves result from overall planetary activity. [...]

[...] All of those sharing any given birthdate, however, sharing even place as well as time, do not have the same “destiny”; but more, they do not share the same conditions necessarily. They are each affected by their own probability system at birth, and those conditions drastically alter the nature of their development.

TPS2 Session 627 (Deleted Portion) November 13, 1972 cold symptoms sinus antibodies autobiography

When he began clamping down on physical spontaneity, tensing of the head, neck and jaw areas was involved, leading to a sinus condition. The cold is meant to lead him backward mentally and physically through the group of beliefs that initially cause the entire condition.

It represents then alterations of beliefs toward a more beneficial condition. [...] The cold’s duration was far briefer, through very intense, but his overall condition was better then.

[...] This time the body’s overall condition, using the method adopted, required a longer period of such stress-transformation, and so the cold condition has been of longer duration.

TPS2 Deleted Session November 12, 1973 freedom enthusiasm trip concentrating opposite

[...] Above all, you are from this point to stop structuring your lives upon the bedrock reality of Ruburt’s condition. For that “condition” is not a permanent thing, but a changing reality, an improving condition.

[...] Some of these have already begun to vanish, but both of you to some extent project them into the future, treat them as conditions in fact, and not as beliefs that cause conditions.

(Much louder and forcefully:) As far as your trip is concerned, concentrate upon the pleasures that are possible within it, so that neither of you manage to overstrain yourselves and forget the condition for one minute. I should not need to tell you this: see yourselves enjoying yourselves, having a good time, even within the horrendous conditions as they exist. [...]

TES8 Session 347 June 19, 1967 cues recovery vacation swelling reversal

[...] The overall condition has indeed remarkably improved, as I told you, and there is no distortion here.

[...] The mental condition you see has not deteriorated since its improvement. [...]

[...] When this condition again was held, recovery began.

TPS4 Deleted Session October 17, 1977 Paul dentist adequate Carol office

[...] Jane was extremely upset by her continuing eye condition and the disorienting changes taking place throughout her body; I ended up equally upset after we talked. [...] However, she’s also learned some things about the eye condition through using the pendulum, and Seth comments.

(Jane wanted to try a session tonight, while not being sure the tooth condition would permit it very easily.)

It is easy perhaps at times to have regrets, to wish that curiosity, the love of learning, the desire for knowledge, and yearning to help your fellow men (was Seth a bit amused here?) had not gone quite so far, and to imagine that had it not Ruburt would be in excellent physical condition, and no one would miss the work that then would not exist.

TPS2 Session 631 (Deleted Portion) December 18, 1972 breakthrough brushes quintessence move problems

[...] Your brushes were straight and in good condition. [...] You must see how the problem acclimated responses leading to not moving, etc., on both your parts and continued Ruburt’s condition. [...]

(“But I don’t see any signs, really, that anything we’ve done has changed his condition in any way.”)

I have not told you that there were physical signs as yet to see, any more than I have told you that you have already moved into another house, but both conditions do now exist.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 25, 1984 flea rats diseases inoculations autobiography

(3:27.) A city might be overrun by rats, for example — a fine situation for the rats if not the populace — but the entire picture would include unrest in the populace at large, a severe dissatisfaction with social conditions, feelings of dejection, and all of those conditions together would contribute to the problem. [...] Nor are insects invulnerable to such conditions, in such an hypothesized picture (long pause). Actually, all forms of life in that certain environment would be seeking for a balanced return to a more advantageous condition.

[...] It is true, however, that many cancers and conditions such as AIDS result because the immunity system has been so tampered with that the body has not been allowed to follow through with its own balancing procedures.

Again, however, no individual dies of cancer or AIDS, or any other condition, until they themselves have set the time.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 12, 1977 Turkish outlaws monks leaders sword

Ruburt’s condition in late years would fluctuate. [...] Instead of being thankful when he began to go out again, you became frightened, and felt that everyone noticed his condition. [...]

Above all, neither of you wanted the condition to worsen. [...] No condition is stable, but ever-changing. [...]

(1. We were concerned about Jane’s continuing eye-sinus condition—the protruding and drainage. [...]

TES4 Session 175 August 4, 1965 Oswego paperweight enlargement quiet indecision

[...] The conditions indeed are rather interesting in themselves, and will be discussed now or later.

The conditions do not originate with you personally, though they are at your end rather than at my end, and they have to do with electromagnetic disturbances that are, to some degree, cyclic, and to which you react.

[...] The period should be over by three o’clock, approximately, tomorrow afternoon, when the conditions dissipate, or begin to dissipate.

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