1 result for (book:tps4 AND heading:"delet session septemb 24 1977" AND stemmed:framework)

TPS4 Deleted Session September 24, 1977 20/61 (33%) Nebene foreshortening pendant Egyptian Framework
– The Personal Sessions: Book 4 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session September 24, 1977 9:33 PM Saturday

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Your house has been calm, Ruburt’s body has improved each day, and his work and yours have been productive. Because that statement was couched as it was, it did not bring any arguments to your minds. You read it easily. You did not question how your house was to be more calm, and indeed the suggestion itself was rather innocuous in its way, yet highly effective. The suggestions took hold, uniting Frameworks 1 and 2.

Several times this week, Ruburt imagined the two of you on a trip to Florida, with a trailer by the ocean; both of you working, of course, but quite happily. He began by thinking in practical terms in Framework 1: you could—could—do it now, though it would be difficult; but you could go to Florida. If you had to you could even fix it so Ruburt could eat mostly in the car, or in a van. So his thoughts went.

Framework 1 thoughts, but despite the restrictions they entailed, they still represented an important turn for the better. On several occasions he simply imagined the two of you in Florida, in the trailer as before, with no thought for how you got there.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

A good deal of the time he has been writing well, operating in Framework 2. Whenever you operate in Framework 2 in any area, to some extent you enrich other areas of your life. He was excited last evening about Seven, and in that period of physical time he forgot his problems, and he dealt with the challenge of the book in the same way that he can learn to handle the physical situation.

In Framework 2 in your terms, time is foreshortened, and work is done there in a flash, so to speak. Some time may be involved physically for the materialization, but in usual terms the foreshortening effect can be quite startling, for time is affected and used in an entirely different fashion. The ideas for Aspects, Politics, and the entire library experience germinated one evening in a flash of inspiration just before the flood (in June 1972).

The physical time was nothing—a few hours—and physical time had to pass for the writing of the books. Yet those books will also influence future time in an important fashion. They represent concentrated experience in which Ruburt threw aside “for a time” the known beliefs of Framework 1, its laws and regulations.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

He should use large, general suggestions of a positive nature that do not concentrate upon details that do not automatically give rise to contradictions with present behavior. I would like such suggestions inserted when he is already in a Framework 2 situation, for they will have double benefit there.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

What you do in those situations is in a way concentrated. It does things to time because of your intents and because of the peculiar nature of Framework 2. Such physical areas are charged in that regard because the mental areas connected with them are. In a manner of speaking they are hypnotic containers, emphasizing what you want emphasized, and cutting off data that do not apply, or that is contradictory. You direct yourselves to concentrate in a particular fashion.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now when he is writing he is often in Framework 2. He did not concentrate upon the record, and that method worked most effectively. Some version of that method would be most effective, for it directs him most effectively toward physical ends. Most of all I want him to realize that his body is improving, and that the improvement can easily accelerate—easily.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

It comes naturally to him, and even done in Framework 1’s limited manner, it is beneficial. It would even help if the two of you discussed such a trip as a definite possibility, but without any definite time period involved. Work done in Framework 2, however, is out of all proportion to the effort expended. That is why the taped suggestions are important. An alternative could involve two definite periods of self-suggestion a week, prepared for ahead of time, with a specific physical area chosen in the same way that you choose certain areas for your writing or painting.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now: Nebene traveled extensively in early years. He did visit Egypt, and made tours to various esoteric communities. (Long pause.) He became disenchanted at a young age with the many conflicting schools of truth, so when he found what he finally settled upon, he would brook no interference. When you operate, practically speaking, in terms of Framework 2, you have a stronger impact upon time and reality. You are more effective in that regard. Nebene and you influence each other because you operate in Framework 2 in the work areas of your lives. You become closer, say, for in physical terms of time there is a foreshortening. Time, then, can be lengthened or shortened, or made to disappear entirely.

The events of time in such a case from the outside might seem to change drastically, while those inside our time structures would not notice any change, in a Framework 1 level. Your historical actuality and Nebene’s would never collide. On that level no change occurs, but the foreshortening of time can allow you and Nebene to interact if you want to, or if he does, so that images, ideas, and other interchanges can occur in a way that does not dislodge or disarray a moment of your physical time, or his.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

When Ruburt sends out energy he feels no impediment in space, and has felt a straight line go out in whatever direction required. That is definitely a Framework 2 experience.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

In Framework 2 the mind affects the physical brain in a more complete and effective manner than usual, and can spark images, thoughts, or correlations that exist in a context outside of the time that is happening in Framework 1. Time happens at a certain regulated rate, then, obviously, in Framework 1. A certain amount of time is needed there to do a certain amount of work, and according to scientific dictates a specific amount of effort is required to perform different kinds of work.

Framework 1, to some extent or another, however, is always influenced by Framework 2. There, the same correlations do not apply between the effort expended and the work performed, or the time required for such procedures. Very little effort, there, comparatively speaking, has an effect here in Framework 1—that is, a small amount of effort in Framework 2 can result in extraordinary work done in Framework 2, and with a foreshortened time effect.

Suggestion, then, purposefully applied while in a relaxed state, which is a connective to Framework 2, can be most effective.

Your impressions of Nebene came while you were relaxed, thinking momentarily of something else, but with an overall desire to know more about Nebene. The creative principles are the same—that is why I am making these connections, so that Ruburt can insert what he wants in Framework 2 with little exertion of effort, and great benefit.

The same applies to you for more material about Nebene on your own. Nebene prayed and meditated often, so his framework, you see, is often the same as yours, and those meditative periods provide the necessary conditions on both of your parts.

His pursuit of truth led his mind outward through time. You use space. I use time. Time, again, can be lengthened, shortened. You can move sidewards in it, for example, as you do in space. These frameworks, one way or another, always involve alterations in time, even as Ruburt’s James and Cézanne books from the library involve information not usually available in Framework 1’s time sequence.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Tell Ruburt I will see, again, that he gets help and inspiration in Framework 2 that directly affects his physical condition. A shove up there is a shove indeed.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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