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TES3 Session 92 September 28, 1964 6/77 (8%) dreamer dream cohesiveness object universe
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 92 September 28, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

For out of a seemingly endless number of possibilities, our individual dreamer actually discriminates with great care, choosing only those dream objects or symbols that have meaning to him; and those dream objects that can best serve his purposes. And even a simple dream that would seem to be concerned with trivial daily events is in reality concerned with much more.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The dream objects are in fact chosen with such precise discrimination that in many instances, on deep examination they will be seen to embody not only data concerning the dreamer’s daily conscious existence, but one and every dream object may be seen to apply on many levels at once.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

It does not seem to exist in various dimensions. It does in actuality so exist. If a dream object or event does so straddle what you call not only time but space, and if as I say dream objects and creations maintain some independence from the dreamer, then you must see that although the dreamer creates his dreams for his own purposes, selecting only those symbols which have meaning to him, he nevertheless projects them outward in a value fulfillment and psychic expansion.

The expansion occurs, again, as the dream drama is acted out. For the dreamer a contraction occurs as he is finished with the events or drama for his own purposes, but energy cannot be taken back.

Energy projected into any kind of construction, psychic or physical, cannot be recalled, but must follow the laws of the particular form into which it has been for the moment molded. Therefore, when the dreamer contracts his multi-realistic objects backward, ending for himself the so-called dream that he constructed, he ends it for himself only. But the reality of the dream continues.

[... 37 paragraphs ...]

At our next session I will continue with this, and continue into an interpretation of dreams as they affect the individual dreamer in the physical field, and connect them with the levels of the subconscious. However I wanted you to understand that the elements of the dream world, originating in energy, also continue in existence when the dreamer may have forgotten them; and that all energy or any energy, given or adopting any type of form, must then continue at least momentarily to adapt to the laws inherent therein.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

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