1 result for (book:ecs1 AND heading:"esp class session februari 4 1969" AND stemmed:intellect)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 4, 1969 4/27 (15%) truth intellectually intellect win cracks
– The Early Class Sessions: Book 1 Sessions 9/12/67 to 11/25/69
– © 2008 Laurel Davies-Butts
– ESP Class Session, February 4, 1969 Tuesday

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I have lived many lives and have had high intellects and I have had low intellects. I have been intellectually stupid and I have been intellectually brilliant. And I have been intuitively brilliant and I have been emotionally dumb.

And I know that truth speaks to more than intellect, and there is a higher truth than intellectual truth, though intellectual truth is important and it can lead you in the right direction. But when I speak to you I speak to a part of you that the intellect does not know, and intellect can learn from that part of you to which I speak. In many cases intellectual truth follows intuitive truth. You know intuitively. Sometimes you must wait years for your intellect to catch up with what you know. And sometimes you must wait centuries.

Now I bid you welcome, I do not mean to put my good friend here too much on the griddle. I did it... I did it. You should use the intellect you have and the intuition that you have, but I sneak through the cracks. Where there are no doors I push through little cracks in your armor and in your wall. And through those cracks you find your own escape and your own freedom and your own ways to truth.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

Intellectually you will understand the material, if you read it. I did not mean, earlier, to give the impression that I was poking fun at our friend’s intellect, only that you can at times prevent him from reaching out to others as he should. I need and needed an intellect through which I could work so that our basic principles could be understood by those who were intellectually inclined. And so that the scientist and mathematicians, the religious men, the philosophers, could find no fault with our reasoning. Through Ruburt’s books we can reach and help many individuals. But they will not be reached as I’m reaching those of you in this room.... Recording or no. Our friend Ruburt himself has not understood the meaning of our classes sufficiently. Nor the energy that exists here and that will reach beyond the confines of this room. Our friend over here (Theodore) has Ruburt’s back. It is not a barrier to him.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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