1 result for (book:deavf2 AND session:922 AND stemmed:protect)

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 922, October 13, 1980 11/45 (24%) Helper knower protection dams artistry
– Dreams, "Evolution", and Value Fulfillment: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Chapter 9: Master Events and Reality Overlays
– Session 922, October 13, 1980 9:14 P.M. Monday

(Late last week Tam Mossman called Jane to tell her that he’s begun work on her contract for the publication of If We Live Again. I wrote Tam this morning, asking questions about what long-range plans Prentice-Hall may have for the 15 books Jane and I have sold to the company. [That total includes Mass Events, God of Jane, and the poetry book, all of which are yet to be issued.] In the private session for September 22one of his series on the magical approach to life—Seth had told us that our work is “protected.” I’ve been curious about that statement ever since, and mentioned it to Jane today in connection with my letter to Tam.

She was quite upset after our nap this afternoon because we’d overslept; she regretted the lost time. We had to eat supper later than usual. This evening, however, Seth used my interest in the question of protection beautifully as he discussed a facet of Jane’s abilities that’s strongly related to his concept of value fulfillment. Because of that relationship, this session fits very well into Dreams even though it’s not book dictation.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

—you are protected. Your work is protected.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

He also realized that at least to some extent this energy had accumulated as a result of his own good intentions, and his desire to help others. He called this “Helper,”1 and he never saw the form clearly again. The form represented (long pause) the personified, accumulated positive energies that were working to his advantage at that time, that provided him protection, but that also automatically worked to the benefit of his life and projects.

The very idea of protection, however, as you know, implies a threat—so if you believe in threats you had better have protection. It was not necessary for Ruburt to see the form again—merely to sense the reality of that powerful energy, and realize that it worked on his behalf. In a fashion the form also represented the innocent and powerful inner self, or spontaneous self, or naturally magical self—the terms are synonymous.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(9:30.) Helper represents the part that possesses such knowledge. In practical terms, it is very important to understand that such knowledge and protection do exist, that all of your problems need not be solved through conscious reasoning alone—and, indeed, few problems can be solved exclusively (underlined) in that fashion.

Your work is protected, not only because it is one of your projects, but also because in a fashion it becomes its own kind of entity—a well-intended one that exists in a rather concentrated form, distilled from your own best aspirations. Hence it is also filled with energy, and also becomes a collector of it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(9:40.) That k-n-o-w-e-r (spelled) is instantly aware of all your needs, and is the portion of the universe that is personally disposed in your direction, because its energies form your own person. That protection always couches your existence. It means that you live “in a state of grace.”3 You can be unaware of that state. You can deny it or refuse it, but you are within it regardless. It forms the very fabric of your individual beings. Value fulfillment means that each individual, each entity, of whatever nature, spontaneously, automatically seeks those conditions that are suited to its own fulfillment, and to the fulfillment of others.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

We are dealing with the psychology of experience, however, so you yourselves alter the situation according to your own reactions. If you feel threatened by certain situations, and lacking protection, then you will take certain steps that might not be taken otherwise, so your actions are vastly different according to whether or not you realize that you are indeed being protected.

If you build up feelings of threat, then at your level you also react to those. The protection exists, but in such cases you do not allow yourselves to take full advantage of it.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Then somehow our conversation led me to wonder whether our cat, Billy, is color-blind, as we’ve heard most animals are. So far Billy had spent the session beside me on the couch, alternately napping and preening himself. I’d been admiring the loving care with which he’d addressed himself to each portion of his body. In the light from the lamp above and behind my right shoulder on the room divider, his greenish eyes were so beautifully colored, yet mysterious, that I found it hard to believe he can’t see color. I also asked Jane about what use the gorgeous colors of Billy’s luxurious fur are to him if he can’t appreciate those patches and stripes of sienna, black, warm gray, and pure white. Or do his colors serve other purposes for him that we’re unaware of? Intuitively, I felt that more is involved here than questions of camouflage and protection—that at the very least there must be connections between Billy and his colors in this reality and his source in a nonphysical one.4

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

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