Results 1 to 20 of 560 for (stemmed:seth AND stemmed:intuit)

TES9 Session 457 January 13, 1969 revelationary fiction mission hypocrisy committed

It understands quite well that I am more than a subconscious extension of the personality. I would not be satisfied, either, with a highly simplified version of my existence, accepting me as a long-gowned spirit in those terms known to it, and knows that I am far more than that, that the truth is deeper, and it will work with the intuitive self to search for answers. (A bit jumbled, Seth!)

Until then the ego and the intuitive self had not come into conflict, as far as basic philosophy was concerned. The intuitive self presented the ego however with a new line of development that it was not prepared to follow.

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

TES8 Session 389 January 3, 1968 Blanche Healy Anne Baltimore dining

(Before the session tonight Jane wondered whether Seth could put her in touch with Blanche in some way, perhaps through a table. Jane also wanted some kind of definite sign from Seth as to his presence and identity, that would be convincing to her.

It was indeed intuitive and psychic connections that brought me here, and it will be intuitive and psychic connections that finally cause Ruburt to accept me wholeheartedly.

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

TPS1 Session 380 (Deleted) November 15, 1967 intuitional intellectual unlearned restraint self

True questioning and true use of the critical faculties will always lead Ruburt, to intuitional truths, so there is no reason to fear them. [...] The intuitions and the intellect are meant to challenge and develop each other, and intuitional knowledge and intellectual knowledge will ultimately lead to the same answers.

The conscious had to appreciate in quite real terms its dependence upon intuitional wisdom. [...] The conscious self was not to be left by the wayside, wondering while the intuitional abilities led to fulfillment. [...]

[...] He knows intuitively what he knows. [...] The spiritualistic literature causes a needless conflict between his intellect and intuitions.

TES9 Session 461 January 29, 1969 intellectually mistletoe superiority meaningful Tam

(A note: After the session Jane told me that she knew what Seth was going to tell me when I had finished the painting under discussion. I asked Jane just how she knew this; was Seth telling me one thing, and Jane another; did Jane divine the information from Seth as he spoke through her, or what? [...] But as Seth told me about the painting Jane knew what he was to tell me.)

It will be written to the intuitions and the emotions, and so it will be done somewhat differently. Intuitive truths, as Ruburt should know, can also be revealed in other than highly intellectual ways. Some will intuitively understand the material far better than others who may grasp it intellectually but without emotional comprehension.

(Before the session tonight Jane and I discussed the excellent manner in which Seth was able to relate to the various people who have witnessed sessions. This ability escaped us for some time, until we finally realized the various approaches used by Seth to make the material given meaningful to the very different personalities involved.)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 28, 1968 impart transmit solve am community

[...] Seth is a part of what I am and I know him well. It is difficult for me to explain to you what I am since the components of my reality are so different, and yet intuitively, intuitively you realize your own greater reality, and that includes the knowledge of what I am. [...]

[...] Our beloved monster here (the cat) intuitively knows what is involved, and you know intuitively, but we want you to understand consciously. [...]

(Other Personality [later named Seth II]:) I have not traveled where you are, and yet a portion of me that you know as Seth has so traveled. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session June 14, 1972 church prophet intellectual Doran Christs

Some of my material is difficult to accept intuitively and intellectually at one time. You may intuitively grasp a point and intellectually not understand it, or the other way around. But Ruburt insists that he intellectually and intuitively understand each point, and agree with it, or it puts him in the position of publicizing ideas when he is not a hundred percent certain of their validity, and he considers this to some degree dishonest. [...]

Because they were formed at a time before the intellectual and intuitive abilities developed, and were not a problem until the intellectual and intuitive abilities seemed to come upon a system of thought that was in opposition to the underlying emotional beliefs. [...]

[...] In the past any intuitive thoughts he felt but could not prove were put into his fiction. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Sessions May 3, 1978 Wayne flamboyant discipline housewife shine

(Jane asked that Seth comment on her fear about time, a question we’d uncovered recently with the pendulum. [...] Actually she wanted Seth to comment on her overall condition, what was happening, etc.)

[...] Thusly, Ruburt felt that there were contradictions between spontaneity and discipline, the intuitions and the intellect. Therefore he tried to be either spontaneous or disciplined, or intellectual or intuitive, but with the implied supposition that these were somehow opposing conditions, or opposing elements of behavior.

The vast majority of intellectual deductions are based upon unconscious, intuitive realizations, and the edifices built by the intuitions have a dazzling framework of high intellectual content and reason, so brilliant that the mind itself often cannot follow.

TES9 Session 495 August 13, 1969 glaze figure sell entrust character

(Once again, the material in the last delivery was very good, with much intuitive insight as regards character, background, emotion, etc., in painting. From this data I will formulate some questions for Seth. [...]

[...] She remarked that she was certain that as Seth she could see better without glasses than she could see without glasses as Jane. Explaining, she said she felt she could see as well, as Seth, without glasses, as she could see as herself with glasses.

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

TES9 Session 468 March 17, 1969 Roy imposed pyramid robe checkpoints

[...] Intuitively and creatively new avenues will be opened to you. [...] And the point, buried somewhat in the past, came to light of consciousness, for within intuitively the necessary connections had already been made.

[...] Seth, above, seems to say that the pyramid of lights Jane saw was a dream image, that she did not see when she awoke. [...] I did not catch this, above, when Seth spoke, or I would have asked about the discrepancy. [...]

(I made some notes during the session but they are incomplete because of Seth’s fast pace, the exchange of questions and data, etc. [...]

SS Appendix: Session 596, September 27, 1971 truth knowledge expansion yawns cosmic

[...] Jane wanted more material for the Appendix of Seth’s book. [...] She began speaking for Seth in a very quiet voice. [...]

[...] They appear in much less conspicuous form, often in intuitive decisions made with seeming suddenness, beneficial changes, intuitive hunches. [...]

(Jane and I worked on proofreading Seth’s book for an hour or so after supper, and then went for a walk. [...]

UR1 Section 3: Session 701 June 3, 1974 Einstein physicist diagrams theories destroying

In the 45th session for April 20, 1964, I find Seth saying: “Einstein traveled within and trusted his own intuitions, and used his inner senses. He would have discovered much more had he been able to trust his intuitions even more, and able to leave more of the so-called scientific proof of his theories to lesser men, to give himself more inner freedom.”

3. A note added five months later: For some of Seth’s early remarks about time, see the excerpts from the 14th session (for January 8, 1964) in Chapter 4 of The Seth Material. I quoted a few lines from the same session midway through the Introductory Notes for Volume 1 of “Unknown” Reality (as well as after the 724th session in Volume 2), and considered some thoughts about our attempts to grasp Seth’s concept of simultaneous time. The notes introducing this first volume also contain other applicable material having to do with Jane’s trance production times for the Seth books.

[...] Yet even then his mathematics did hold him back, and put a kink in his intuitions. Often you take it for granted that intuitive knowledge is not practical, will not work, or will not give you diagrams. [...]

TES8 Session 383 November 29, 1967 Liveright vision painting Pell Psycho

(Rewritten November/2000: The vision grew out of Seth’s saying in the deleted 382nd session, on November 27/67, that I’d do well-known painting of Bill Gallagher. [...] See session 584 in Seth Speaks, held on May 3/71.)

(Here Seth refers to Jane’s book of poetry, High, Low and Psycho. In a very recent session Seth told Jane to send the manuscript to a publisher beginning with an L or V. The book had already been rejected by Viking, the only V in her index of publishers. [...]

[...] I hoped Seth would mention it this evening.)

TES8 Session 399 March 13, 1968 sexual jointly scruples plastered pockets

[...] His writing ability has always been based on intuitive leaps. In fiction and poetry he allowed himself this intuitive freedom, but he was afraid to apply it to the real physical universe. [...]

(Jane asked me if I noticed any physical changes in her face toward the last, since she was so strongly aware of Seth. [...] I think it quite possible that Jane’s emotional appreciation of the Seth personality accounted for the changes as she was involved in delivering the material.)

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 14, 1969 Rachel Daniel Florence intellects Theodore

Soon, you see, you will all be able to read the Seth material. [...] I want you to use your intuitions, but I also want you to use your intellects. [...]

You must also use your intuitions. The intuitions know first, but there is no reason why your intellects cannot follow. [...] None of you use 50% of your intuitional abilities, and there is no reason why you cannot use the abilities. [...]

(Class discussed whether Seth had been here before.)

TES1 Session 5 December 9, 1963 peach fence Gratis Arcturus playgrounds

(“Are you there, Seth?”)

(“Seth, have you ever been on earth in two or more incarnations at once?”)

(“Why did Jane get this flash of intuition about the book just when she did?”)

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 853, May 14, 1979 feminine male creativity women marketplace

(Although this is a private session that Jane and I are filing separately from “regular” material, we’re also presenting it in Mass Events because of the many insights Seth offers into individual and mass events in general, and into our personal realities in particular. In fact, without those qualities of ours that Seth touches upon this evening, I doubt that the Seth books — indeed, even the sessions themselves — would exist. So in that sense this session contains more of those insights into the how and why of the Seth material that we’re always searching for. [...]

[...] In your terms, it was the product of the feminine intuitions (though, as you know, such intuitions belong to both sexes). [...] No more intuitive visions, no more changes, were wanted. [...]

[...] “But right now I’m just waiting,” she said impatiently at 9:40, after we’d been ready for Seth to come through since 9:25. [...] I want to be Seth or myself — one thing or the other, maybe….”

TPS4 Deleted Session August 2, 1978 intellect apologetic intellectual Babbitt interview

Then the mind, the intellect, alters its focus, using its abilities automatically for intuitive ends, and its questioning abilities are freed from endless queries from the outside, so to speak, and it joins with the intuitions, seeking its answers freely in that greater realm.

(I had four questions for Seth. [...]

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

TES3 Session 90 September 21, 1964 twin Loriza meditation Ida sneezing

(And here I must admit that although Seth gave the entity name for Bill’s wife Ida, I did not think quickly enough to ask for the entity name of Ida’s twin sister. Jane and I are curious to see if there is any similarity in entity names under such circumstances, and I will make it a point to ask Seth for the name.)

[...] She said my sneezing did not bother her, that Seth was willing to wait; but also that Seth probably called the break early because of my continued sneezing.

[...] It might be added here that at the time of the visit of Jane’s father, on the night in question Jane had, as she was explaining some of the Seth material to her father and Midge, felt definite emotional “nudges” from Seth to hold a session, whereas upon the occasion of our visit with Bill and Ida in Rochester, she had not. [...]

TES9 Session 458 January 20, 1969 uncle bridgework available teacher accidentally

(As Seth talked the witness felt a series of intuitive jolts that led her to believe the information was good. [...]

(This is a different thing than Seth being available say at 8 AM, or noon, or other capricious hours we may choose. [...] We do know however that Seth would be available at any time under emotional stress, if we asked.)

(For a while now Jane and I have been considering the question, aloud, of Seth’s availability to us whenever we choose to hold a session. [...]

TPS1 Session 458 (Deleted Portion) January 20, 1969 uncle accidentally horses child sister

(As Seth talked the witness felt a series of intuitive jolts that led her to believe the information was good. [...]

[...] While the inner self is aware of this connection, the present self has been fooling itself to some degree, for it did not accept the intuitional knowledge. [...]

[...] But the fact that the conception was accidental, and the death was accidental, has its own intuitive logic.

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