2 results for stemmed:quebec

ECS2 ESP Class Session, April 21, 1970 Quebec idol god tribe Mabunda

You returned as a squaw many centuries later—in Quebec, outside of Quebec—in the 1700’s, where you learned the intuitive knowledge of the female and applied these abilities to your search for truth.

Forty miles to the northeast of Quebec you were born. Your father was involved in a war with people to the northwest. You ended up around what is now Rochester, New York. And you were involved, though not as a warrior, in a war in which many lost their lives upon the nearby lake. And in all of this life you questioned and tried to use your intuitions to the fullest.

TES7 Session 331 April 3, 1967 project form Lizzie dead mac

[...] A man from Kentucky, and woman from Vermont, and an Indian from Quebec were involved.