Results 1 to 20 of 225 for stemmed:fell

TES8 Session 360 August 16, 1967 Fell Merle Burke August York

(11:21. An exchange followed between Jane, F. Fell, and myself. F. Fell asked Jane if she would be willing to speak as Seth at, say, Town Hall, if he rented it. Jane said yes. She then resumed as Seth.)

(F. Fell told us that his wife has red hair, in line with Seth’s data on the previous page: “A connection with a woman with reddish hair.” We herewith ask F. Fell to check the rest of the data given in the session whenever possible. If some of it is precognitive this will take a while.

(The brief session was held in the office of Jane’s publisher, Frederick Fell, in New York City. On August 15, Jane had declined to appear on the Alan Burke TV show, WNEW-TV.

TES5 Session 234 February 16, 1966 letter Fell Rhoda Marian January

[...] As stated, F. Fell did not answer letter #4 by mail. The letter was answered by telephone in the call of February 8, between Jane and F. Fell. Jane said the passage-of-time reference grows out of Mr. Fell’s questions as to when she was coming to New York, and her reply that she saw no use in it until the ESP book was out; then, in May, she wanted to be in NYC to help with publicity. Thus a year or so is involved from the time F. Fell agreed to publish the book and Jane began her final draft of it. The “meeting” grows out of Mr. Fell’s reference that in this telephone call of February 8, he felt he was getting acquainted with Jane as a person, meeting her personally; also that he looked forward to their meeting in May.

[...] This acknowledged Jane’s letter of January 20, and was written by F. Fell’s secretary, Rhoda Monks. She informed Jane that F. Fell was out of town for two weeks, and that he would be back in town—NYC—on February 7. F. Fell was out of town from Monday January 24, to Monday February 7. It developed that he was in Florida on a selling trip and vacation.

[...] A package was mailed to F. Fell on February 10. [...] See page 269 of the 232nd session for Frederick Fell’s request to see the book plus the tape recording Jane made of some of the poems. [...] Also, the tape was mailed to F. Fell on February 10 in a separate package.

TPS2 Session 637 (Deleted Portion) January 31, 1973 Kearns postponement paperback telegram Gallery

[...] I asked if Seth could comment on the fact that F. Fell had canceled, or postponed, the appearance of the paperback edition of Jane’s ESP Power. [...] Of course, we have not heard from F. Fell.

(As it developed, Seth gave a partial explanation of the Fell affair, and the Gallery material was not mentioned.)

There are several issues involved with the Fell paperback. [...]

TES4 Session 155 May 17, 1965 predictions contract clauses pendulum compact

(Jane has received her contract for her ESP book from Frederick Fell. [...]

[...] Mr. Fell has already made some changes in the contract, as requested by Jane. [...]

The relationship with Frederick Fell will be a good one, although the present contract reflects the publisher’s caution, as well as the money already received reflects an impulsive belief in Ruburt on the publisher’s part.

TES7 Session 324 March 6, 1967 resentment excitement misdirected Wollheim symptoms

[...] He felt extreme resentment at Fell generally. [...] (F. Fell published the ESP book.)

[...] He was angry at Fell for rather obvious reasons, but the reasons involved his work, which touched upon his energy, and this caused then the unfortunate comparison between Fell and Ruburt’s father. [...]

TES1 Session 7 December 13, 1963 blueprint da Yes undecided Gratis


(“Do you mean Frederick Fell?”)

(“How soon will Jane get word from Fell about the book?”)

TES2 April 10, 1964 April 12, 1964 branch anvil notepaper diameter asleep

(Last night, April 10, 1964, just before I fell asleep, I had the following experience: My eyes were closed but I saw a sheet of paper filled with script that I recognized to be the handwriting of Dee Masters, my supervisor at the Arnot Art Gallery where I work in the afternoons.

[...] I have the feeling that another such experience happened right after this one, but I fell asleep and do not remember. [...]

TES9 Notes by RFB July 20, 1969 Aldrin Armstrong moon module rfb

(I fell asleep within seconds after this inner experience. [...]

(I do remember that I briefly wondered, as I fell asleep, if the experience reflected a quite natural concern over the moon-landing’s potential hazards.

TES8 Session 383 November 29, 1967 Liveright vision painting Pell Psycho

(Looking up the address of this publisher, she was further surprised to learn that it was at 386 Park Avenue South, New York City—the same address as Frederick Fell, the publisher of her ESP book. But for a further surprise, Jane also learned that Liveright’s editor is named Pell—very close indeed to Fell.

(“Jane wanted to know about Pell and Fell.”

(When Jane and I visited F. Fell’ s office in New York City last July, we stood in the foyer of 386 Park Avenue South and scanned the list of tenants. [...]

TES7 Session 316 February 1, 1967 mother identification Saratoga sensitivity attack

Your own attitude toward Frederick Fell, and your remarks to Ruburt, deeply frightened him, for they reinforced the nagging feeling that Fell would not do well by him as his father had not done well by his mother. [...]

He only wrote to his father when he needed money as a child and adolescent, and he only called or contacted Fell, it seemed to him, when he wanted money. Fell was late on payments as his father had been late. [...]

TES3 Session 147 April 19, 1965 habit action smoking insulation exhausted

[...] In the 104th session he gave details we think may refer to the offices of F. Fell in NYC, involving a red chair, certain individuals, etc. [...] She was not editor when the manuscript was submitted to F. Fell.

(Today Jane received word from F. Fell, Inc., that they would like to schedule her book, Hidden Powers Within You; How to Make ESP Work, for publication in the spring of 1966. [...]

[...] This habit then gradually fell away, practically without conscious effort.)

TPS2 Deleted Session October 2, 1972 Seagull Aerofranz Dick Bach Eleanor

(Note: In December, 1972, a fan sent Jane a letter he received from F. Fell re the ESP paperback. [...] F. Fell didn’t write to Jane, however.)

I told you once that Frederick Fell was an excellent publisher for Ruburt’s book. [...]

(The paperback is due this fall according to a letter Jane received from F. Fell some months ago.

TES8 Session 361 August 16, 1967 Van Ray Parapsychology Mr Burke

(Jane and I left F. Fell’s office, where the 360th session had been held, at about 11:45 AM, with an appointment to meet Mr. Van Over at about noon. [...]

(As in Frederick Fell’s office that morning, Jane now announced that Seth was about and that she was capable of holding a session. [...]

[...] The same kind of atmosphere had been set that morning at F. Fell’s office.

TES5 Session 225 January 19, 1966 Colucci Negro Dr dentist Madison

[...] (Ruburt thinks of Frederick Fell, in parenthesis.)

[...] [Ruburt thinks of Frederick Fell, in parenthesis.]” We agreed this data probably referred to Jane’s publisher in New York City.

[...] This led Ruburt to think of Fell however, and a trip.

TES8 Session 405 April 18, 1968 touchy Montgomery quotes afraid spirit

Frederick Fell has the book he wanted—the first one, and he will play it to the hilt, for him. [...] He thinks, Fell thinks, he is interested in the Seth material. [...]

Fell wonders if at times he was taken as a fool. [...]

[...] It is a direction now in which he wants to move, but he has been afraid that it was not a financially profitable direction, for he received no encouragement from Fell, no real encouragement, concerning the material; and he did not try elsewhere.

TES8 Session 365 September 18, 1967 dash gee gru Minn shopin

I will go into some material concerning Frederick Fell. [...]

(See the 360th session for August 16, 1967, held in F. Fell’s New York City office.

(As Seth says, a remarkable and instant liking sprang up between F. Fell, Jane and me when we first met in his office. [...]

TES7 February 2, 1967 Dream Blanche Healy telegram sleepy Price

[...] Instead fell to sleep at once to have the following strange dream. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 11, 1981 Tam Prentice editors competent taxes

[...] (Long pause.) When Frederick Fell took the ESP book he was delighted. In a fashion Fell represented the next step upward from, say, pulp magazines. On the other hand, Fell did not go for the next projects that he either offered or had in mind—nor did Ace Books, who fell into the same category. [...]

TES7 Session 282 August 31, 1966 Wollheim apparitions potbellied root system

[...] (Long pause.) These apply to Wollheim or Fell. [...]

[...] She knew something was coming, but not what, and afterward didn’t know whether it applied to Don Wollheim or to Frederick Fell, editor and publisher respectively.

[...] We plan to send copies now to both Don Wollheim and F. Fell.)

TES9 Session 471 March 31, 1969 Ace Wollheim Doren desolations evil

[...] She did enjoy Ruburt’s first book, but is very angry that Fell held out financially, thinking then: “Who does Fell think Jane Roberts is? [...] He,” meaning Fell, “is out to bleed us.”

[...] Fell was asking an exorbitant rate, she thought, for the first book; and Ruburt, she reasoned, would expect special privileges because of her contact with Wollheim, and so she got her back up and made sure no special privileges were given. [...]

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