3 results for stemmed:conni

TES8 ESP Class Session February 8, 1968 Lydia Kluft Indian Connie Arc

(This session witnessed by: Carol Bliss, Sue Newman, Lydia Nesbitt, Jean Kluft and Connie Allison.

(Now Jane speaking as Seth, pointed to Connie.) One I have known vaguely in my own past. However you would not recognize me now, though I do indeed remember you. Now, you would not know yourself, for you were a small boy of three to four years old when I knew you, and I did not know you well. This was in Denmark, and your father was a baker. You had indeed a very short life, dying at nine or ten, of diptheria. You see, you are older than you knew you were.

(Connie Allison now told us that for many years she has had a fear of diptheria, strange as it seems. At break Lydia commented that she thought Jane’s delivery as Seth sounded Germanic. She also said that when speaking as Seth, Jane tended to use the same gestures and facial wrinkles shown in the portrait I have painted of Seth.

TPS7 Deleted Session December 20, 1983 Kim Pete Evans Fred Infirmary

(Our scheduled meeting with Kim Evans, director of social services at the Chemung County Infirmary, and Connie Lido, head nurse there, took place at about 1:40 This afternoon. [...]

(“That’s the system,” Connie Lido said when I told her Fred hadn’t told us he’d signed that form. [...]

TSM Chapter Twelve Doris Matt reincarnation Rev Jon

[...] He gave reincarnational material for another student, Connie, and mentioned in particular a life in Denmark when she had died as a small boy of diphtheria. [...] Connie surprised everyone, particularly the other college girls, by saying that since she was a small child she’d been frightened of getting diphtheria, and that she could never understand why.

“That’s what I mean,” Connie said. [...]