2 results for stemmed:clifton

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 8, 1968 Lillian Clifton Bonnie Indian Arc

(This session witnessed by: Coral Bishop, Susie Nolan, Lillian Nelson, Janet Clifton and Bonnie Anderson. Notes by Rob.

(Seth pointed to Janet Clifton.) Here... Mesopotamia, before it was known by that name. (Pause.) And here we do find abilities shown, ignored and misused through a succession of lives. A rather classic example of the progress followed by many psychically-endowed, but in poor control of their personalities and abilities.

(Janet Clifton now told us that she has always had a fear of fire. Also, Joan of Arc has figured rather prominently in her life; in school for instance she was called Joan of Arc, witch, etc.)

ECS1 ESP Class Session, May 30, 1968 strap Janet engagement turnabout dainties

[...] Present were Janet Clifton and Candice. [...]