1 result for (heading:"delet session decemb 13 1972" AND stemmed:move)

TPS2 Deleted Session December 13, 1972 25/86 (29%) move resentment dwelling money tenants
– The Personal Sessions: Book 2 of The Deleted Seth Material
– © 2016 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Deleted Session December 13, 1972 9:39 PM Wednesday

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

You always regarded this place as a place of transition. It was thought of in terms of social transition, or your place in society, and transition in terms of your work, particularly here on Ruburt’s side—on his part. Money for example through books would allow you to move.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Any thoughts of moving were always put off, until a tomorrow that has not come. Beyond the early years he did little improving. He is highly sensitive to environment, and needs—(suddenly louder:) and do not frown, and keep writing. I am angry at both of you this evening. More at Ruburt, but I cannot yell at him—

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now there were unfortunate aspects to which you both did react, but in the beginning there were compensating factors in the beauty of the environment, the whole view. I did encourage you to move at one time.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Work is involved, in that Ruburt always expected you would move as soon as he made any amount of money at all. You have been also highly ambiguous in your own attitudes about your dwelling. He felt you would not do anything about it. He did nothing about it on his own, except finally to rent the other apartment, but he has been holding his breath quite literally, for some time.

In the past many of you here were of the same age group. Now with younger people about the thoughts are stronger that this is a place of transition. The fact that you have not moved does reflect a lack of initiative on both of your parts.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Many then of the things that you want, quite normal things, have been always (underlined) projected into the future, which no matter how he works never comes. This also applies to you. It is simply not that much of a problem to move—to act, to make a change—it is not all that dangerous.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The last episode, around the corner (on Grove Street, in a flooded area) did not apply, it was a token gesture. Each of you knew you would not live close to the river. Ruburt is also afraid of changing the status quo, however, as you are. So both of you have resented the other for not making a definite decision to move.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

He felt finally that at least if you worked full time for yourself that (underlined) complaint would be taken care of. He considered it a practical move in the physical universe, one of the few actual changes that either of you had decided to make in all that time.

Now you are both creatures of habit, wanting feelings of security in which to work. Otherwise you would have moved a long time ago. Because you have no family you do respond with and to your environment strongly, and that response colors your health and your work.

Each person responds far more to the environment, that they also create, than is realized. The reason why moving often helps, and sometimes does not, is fairly obvious. A good move physically represents an inner change that then seeks a new environment in which it is materialized.

Without understanding however you can simply project all the problems. In your case a move would have such drastic connotations, and be so symbolic, that its beneficial nature is assured. Your not moving symbolically represents your not doing many things—your not facing many issues.

They will become apparent the minute you even decide to move. Your particular needs, for example. The parking for class. The feelings of privacy you enjoy, yet the need also for some neighborly encounters that you also require. (Meaning me.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

He is afraid to move (underlined three times)—but he will also be excited. You are also afraid to move, and both of you are wary of fitting yourselves into a new environment, and in a small but significant way, of making a new personal world.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Leonard made a home here, and Ruburt for all of his disdain with Leonard’s taste, was furious at taking Leonard’s discard. Yet it always seemed impractical to do anything here, since surely you were both going to move.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

You have private rooms now in a public area that becomes more public all the time, as tenants, strangers, move in and out. For a while the whole house had feelings of privacy when the same tenants, for example Lucy, were here for some time. With a change in tenants the halls for example become anonymous, all of these feelings strongly operate, and on both of your parts. Ruburt reacts physically, he waits physically. You do not feel safe to work.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(11:10. When she came out of it, Jane said, “I’m afraid to move.” She meant getting out of the rocker, going to the bathroom, etc., then said this was mixed up with moving out of this house, etc. Resume at 11:20.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

When he decided to add to your establishment, his class did pick up, and has. He wanted to see if you could afford that much more rent, sure that if you realized it you (underlined) would see the light and decide to move. You were waiting for him to make such a decision. You both blamed circumstances, but also each other for the lack of initiative.

It seemed to him that you were always going to leave your job one day and paint, but that day never came and the two of you were going to move one day, but that day never came, so he forced the one issue. In Florida he thought seriously of living there to make a move, but nothing came of it. Your discussion this evening at the table about finances led him deeper into those feelings he tries so hard to avoid. Here he was doing better than ever, with more money in the offing, and to what purpose? Nothing would ever change. He could not keep up financially, much less think of moving, so put it ahead in the future again.

He often reads ads to you, testing your reaction. Only once did you take him up on this, so he felt you did not want to move. He is and has been terrified of making decisions where you are involved, because he feels you so resented your mother’s treatment of your father.

Then he becomes angry when you say “Why don’t you make a decision?” He felt you were afraid to, and if he made one and it was wrong, he did not want to take the blame. So he felt in an impossible situation: and quite consciously, when he allowed himself to become aware of his thoughts. He is afraid of hurting you, of making you move, or making you cry.

Now. Neither of you were ready to make such a physical change. Financially he could have, as you can now, but you were not willing to face the issues beneath. You would have moved out of resentment, feeling forced to, and not out of understanding.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(11:45. After leaving trance Jane said, “I’m afraid to move,” then explained that this time she was afraid only of moving away from this house. Getting up wasn’t involved, etc. 12:00 midnight.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Trips (vacations) were meaningless in the context. They had nothing to do with moving. You knew you would return. Not only that but if you spent much money the possibility of moving diminished.

You (me) (underlined) have a tendency to think in terms of obstacles. Ruburt allowed this to add to latent (underlined) characteristics of his own. Your joint ideas then prevented you from ever thinking creatively. You never thought that moving could be fun—and that is your reality. No one else created it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You did not feel until recently that you were moving ahead in your work. The two ideas combined. The act of moving means leaving and beginning. While you were at Artistic you both used that as an excuse. All of your attitudes will come into focus as you decide to move, and when you move. That is, I think, enough for you both this evening, so I bid you a fond good night.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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