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UR2 Section 6: Session 739 February 24, 1975 16/40 (40%) hill house trees neighborhood fireplace
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 6: Reincarnation and Counterparts: The “Past” Seen Through the Mosaics of Consciousness
– Session 739: Neighborhoods and Probabilities. The Healing Aspects of Fireplaces
– Session 739 February 24, 1975 9:25 P.M. Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(On Friday, February 21, Jane and I not only saw the hill house from the inside for the first time — but decided to buy it. We made up our minds quite effortlessly while being taken through it by a real estate agent. Of course we knew what Seth had suggested during last Wednesday’s session, and his advice was valuable; at the same time we’d been strongly inclined to make the purchase after looking at the house anew that Wednesday afternoon. At the realtor’s office two days later, then, we signed the initial papers leading to the formal purchase, which will be consummated in a couple of weeks or so.

(As I wrote at the start of the 736th session, we first encountered the hill house on February 4, on just our second day of searching. A period of gestation lasting well over two weeks had to follow, though, before we understood what we’d seen; during that time we investigated perhaps 35 other places.1

(These notes give me a chance to hint at another in the series of “house connections” that Jane and I have become so much aware of this month — for there is a close professional relationship between the owner of the Foster Avenue house and the real estate agency through which we’re buying the house on the hill. Jane and I had heard of this association in a remote way, but it had no meaning for us until we committed ourselves to the hill house; the agency concerned is but one of many we’d contacted; yet also involved is our friend Debbie, who works for another real estate firm, and who had first called our attention to the hill house. There are more intertwinings here [including some art elements] than it’s necessary to describe; but studying just this one complex house connection, then seeing how it combines with some of the others we’ve become conscious of; leaves Jane and me more than a little bemused by this interlocking reality we’re creating.2

(In tonight’s relatively brief session Seth discussed our house adventures in quite a personal way, yet also passed along some related concepts of a more general nature. I’ve deleted certain portions of his material about us while leaving other parts for presentation here, since they do extend his recent work for “Unknown” Reality.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

This is not dictation. Once you made up your minds to, you found your house — with characteristic swiftness, let me add, and you avoided several pitfalls.

Ruburt was correct: The picture of you, taken on the hill in the front yard (by a friend), portrays you as far as your stance toward the hill house and land is concerned. Ruburt was never athletically inclined, but always loved nature. The house and the grounds will allow you to pick up on old feelings that he had discarded, renewing to some extent a “fresh air” image that he once found natural.

The hill house neighborhood is composed of a rather beneficial balance: No particular family of consciousness predominates. Instead, a love of woods and trees transcends such classifications. The area has brought together diverse kinds of people, united by love of nature, some airy spaces, and some privacy … The people are also achievers of one kind or another, and while [your goals may be different] you appreciate the fact that they are trying to do something with their lives. Many are aware of their limitations. Many dabble in the arts.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(And now verbatim:) The fireplace in the hill house is advantageous, as the one in the house on Foster Avenue would have been, simply in that the open hearth represents an inner source of strength and stability. The open flame, the source of cave heat, is evocative, and represents a closeness with the origins of light and life.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now you think of dogs as friends of man, and you personify gods in human terms. You think of them sometimes as guardians. In those terms, now, trees are also guardians. They are attached to the people they know. You cannot put a leash on them and walk them around the block, yet trees form a protective barrier about, say, a home or a neighborhood. They are actively concerned. They have personalities — certainly to the same extent that dogs do, yet of an entirely different nature. They respond to you. The trees in that (hill house) neighborhood then are particularly friendly, strong, and protective, and they will help renew your energies.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

1. I want to note here that at the same time Jane and I decided to buy the hill house, we learned that the house next door, to the west, would soon be for sale; because of a job transfer its owner would be moving with his family to California this summer. No “For Sale” sign had yet been set up in the front yard. Although Jane and I liked the place well enough, we had no doubt that the hill house was the one for us.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

So, I said to Jane, not only are we stirring things up by moving out of the apartment house, but we’re entering a situation where we will be staying put while others move away. Obvious, but intriguing: We’ll be joining the present residents of the hill neighborhood in forming a newer psychic and psychological entity than the one that existed before we arrived. Yet the full picture of our moving should include not only the myriad probabilities growing out of our own actions, but all of the probable developments involving that house next door: Whatever happenings take place there — which we’ll help create — are bound to have their effects upon us.

If one wanted to outline an event such as our moving from an arbitrary beginning to an arbitrary end, I added, it could be from the time we first looked at Mr. Markle’s house in Sayre, in April 1974, to sometime in the summer of l975, when we think the situation next door will be resolved with the arrival of “new” people. It’ll be interesting to see what — if any — house connections develop.

2. Here’s another house connection — one that developed last Thursday, the day after the 738th session was held.

In the 737th session, after 11:55, Seth mentioned the “other dentist” who lived and worked around the corner from the apartment house Jane and I moved into in 1960, upon our arrival in Elmira. We soon became acquainted with him and his family on a very casual basis, since the back of his property abuts the west yard of the apartment house. Several years ago our medical friend moved to a more residential area in Elmira — just where we didn’t know — but kept his offices in his original home. Then on Thursday we learned that he’d bought the place across the street from the hill house. The family still lives there.

(We’ve also discovered that several other professional people who live near the hill house maintain offices in the old near-downtown neighborhood surrounding the apartment house.)

3. I found Seth’s statement about contending with the thought patterns of others a particularly apropos one, since Jane and I have lived in apartment houses for many years (and are only now preparing to give up that kind of life.) A question: How does that steady psychic exchange affect all of those who work and/or live in high-rise complexes, for instance?

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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