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TES1 Session 31 March 2, 1964 15/94 (16%) camouflage creation killing plane entities
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 31 March 2, 1964 Monday 9 PM as Instructed

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

The fact is that your plane originated because enough entities needed certain types of experience to warrant such a creation, and they set about forming it through the process of evolution. That I believe you understand. The smallest minute first portion represented the will and vitality of all the entities that would ever dwell upon the earth that would come after.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

I will go into this also more deeply later. It is obvious by now that entities on any plane create that plane, and a strong portion of their personalities are similarly constructed to deal with the mechanics of the particular plane.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(A few days ago, while doing some painting, the idea had popped into my conscious mind unbidden that the very act of painting a picture involved the construction of a plane. I had mentioned it to Jane at the time. Resume at 10:03.)

Incidentally, your universe was not created by all entities, but only by the entities that needed a particular kind of experience. The fact that manipulation is important upon your plane is one of the main causes for wars.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

War does not exist on other planes. It exists on your plane as a byproduct of certain challenges which the creator-entities wished to solve through materialization. I have known that these questions were on your minds.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Those who have extremely strong hidden self-conscious selves have the need for greater use of individuality, and these people therefore create what could be called another plane in waking hours, through the use of art forms.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Nevertheless it also partakes of the strange unity that unites all personalities beneath the camouflage pattern, while at the same time it is only partially connected to the camouflage pattern. In some respects art creations are a meeting of the dream world and the world of camouflage patterns, but in a deeper way art creations represent the appearance or materialization in the actual element of physical time of inner realities. That is, the inner individualistic self forces its vision and knowledge into the world of camouflage pattern, giving its dreams a physical reality denied to the usual dream. And here the use of energy for this purpose is conscious, that is the strong hidden self actually makes use of the camouflage conscious self and molds the two into a reality that combines two planes. This I hope will become clear as you read it over.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You were quite correct, Joseph, in your feeling that art created another plane, and now let me hit you with this one: that the paintings of an artist to some degree have a consciousness of their own, not imprisoned either by the form itself.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

The inner senses operate on all planes and under all circumstances. The outer senses vary according to plane and circumstance. The outer senses are dependable only in terms of the definite plane for which they were constructed. Their purpose of course is to enable the conscious personality to recognize as valid camouflage patterns which are only valid under certain conditions.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Art creations represent such an awareness, but here the creation of another plane must be intertwined with the camouflage pattern with which you are involved. That is, paintings would have no reality in your present stage of development as long as they remained simply in your mind, even to you. You are driven to give them “reality,” and put that word in quotes, through materializing them in terms of camouflage pattern. You do this to the best of your ability, but in order for the painting to have a reality in your world it must be materialized to some degree on the physical plane.

Art creation is a most basic creation then, not even a mimicking act but a genuine creation of another plane, done self-consciously from the perspective of an imprisoning camouflage pattern. Quite an achievement, therefore. It should be simple as an analogy to consider the next point, where the figure in a painting would not only have a certain consciousness for example but would have other freedoms also; and this would give you a limited conception of what is involved in the creation of other planes of more varied scope.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

I intend to go into more material about various planes, and soon to give a comprehensive view of the inner senses and their mechanism and operation. If this is not too much for you I will add this: that the inner senses would correspond to the outer senses of the inner hidden self-conscious self, that is, separated by the subconscious from your ordinary conscious self.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Incidentally again, when I mentioned that paintings also experienced a certain consciousness I meant to add that they are not completely powerless even on your own plane, since they do exist in it. Naturally they can exert influence in it. I thought this would interest you in particular, Joseph.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I will not go further into this matter this evening. Suffice it to say that to kill for self-protection or even to kill a natural prey on your plane does not involve you in what we may call for the first time, I believe, karmic consequences.

To kill for nothing more serious than convenience or to kill for the sake of killing involves rather dire consequences on your plane, and the emotion or emotional value behind such killing is often as important as what is killed. That is the lust for killing is also a matter that brings dire consequences regardless of, in many cases, the particular living thing or things that is killed. This involves value judgments of a very important type and I will not go into them tonight. However I am glad you brought the matter up, as I will use it to carry you into realms that we have not begun to cover.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

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