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TSM Chapter Eighteen thread agony God gestalt yearning

All That Is retains memory of that state, and it serves as a constant impetus—in your terms—toward renewed creativity. Each self, as a part of All That Is, therefore also retains memory of that state. It is for this reason that each minute consciousness is endowed with the impetus toward survival, change, development, and creativity. It is not enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness gestalt, desires further being, but that each portion of It also carries this determination.

“If—and this is impossible—all portions but the most minute last ‘unit’ of All That Is were destroyed, All That Is would continue, for within the smallest portion is the innate knowledge of the whole. All That Is protects Itself, therefore, and all that It has and is and will create.

All That Is, therefore, ‘lost’ a portion of Itself in that creative endeavor. All That Is loves all that It has created down to the least, for It realizes the dearness and uniqueness of each consciousness which has been wrest from such a state and at such a price. It is triumphant and joyful at each development taken by each consciousness, for this is an added triumph against that first state, and It revels and takes joy in the slightest creative act of each of Its issues.

TES7 Session 311 January 11,1967 god gestalt sum portion static

While there is a portion of All That Is, that is aware of itself as you, for example, a portion that is indeed focused within your existence, whose energy is directed within you, and to whom you can call for help when necessary, there is also an overall god-personality that is aware of itself also as something that is more than the sum of its creations. This is All That Is, in the deepest sense.

[...] The part of All That Is, that is aware of itself as you, is also aware of itself as something more than you. This portion that knows itself as you and as more than you is the personal god, you see. Again: This gestalt, this portion of All That Is, looks out for your interests and may be called upon in a personality manner. But this portion is only a part, itself, of All That Is.

In this respect, you see, there is a personal god, if those are the words you use. There is a portion of All That Is, that is directed and focused upon every individual consciousness. A portion of All That Is resides within and is a part of every consciousness. Every consciousness is therefore cherished and protected individually. There are automatic electromagnetic connections that exist here.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, May 4, 1971 Ron tale strobe fable movement

All That Is is now, yet within All That Is, are all potentials for development even now, simultaneously, being expressed and each action causes another action, in your terms now, without end. There is no pinnacle or end of creativity. There is, instead, an infinity of development and creativity. [...] In your language it is indeed, and yet the inner self and the intuitive self will be able to leap that seeming gap but you cannot force it to do so. [...]

Now I left you alone this evening so that you could think about your own experiences. But as the word evolution is the title for a fine tale with a little truth in it, and much distortion, so also, must the realities of consciousness sometimes be explained in terms that you can understand and in terms of your own time concepts. So what you understand of reincarnation, and of the time terms involved, is what you have been told so that you could understand it, but it is a very simplified tale, indeed. And again, it is a story, and though I have never used this term before, in class or in our sessions, and though I do not want our friend over here in the elegant outfit to become angry with me (to Sue), I will tell you that reincarnation, in its own way, is also a parable. The other word is a fable or a tale. It seems very difficult for you to understand the fact that you live many realities at one time, simultaneously, and since the time scheme seems to be such a reality to you, the multidimensional aspects of your own consciousness are explained in those terms. [...]

All That Is is more than the sum of its parts. The intuitive self, being a part of All That Is, understands this when you leave it alone. [...]

TES9 Session 426 August 5, 1968 thread agony neurological conceive traversed

Each self, as a part of All That Is, therefore also retains memory of that state. It is for this reason that each portion of All That Is, each most minute consciousness, is endowed with the impetus toward survival, change, development and creativity. It is not enough that All That Is, as a primary consciousness-gestalt, desires further being, but, that every portion of it also carry this determination.

Not being, in other terms, is impossible. It is being without the means of expressing being. Now, every portion of consciousness is imbued with innate knowledge towards the means of expression and creativity. If, and this is impossible, all portions but the most minute last unit of All That Is were destroyed, All That Is could still continue, for within the smallest portion is the innate knowledge of the whole.

When I speak of All That Is, you must understand my position within it. All That Is knows no other. This does not mean that there may not be more to know. It does not mean, and here words quite fail us, it does not mean that All That Is, in any terms that we can conceive of, may not be limited. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 883, October 1, 1979 divine progeny inflationary unimaginable sleepwalkers

[All That Is] did not separate itself from those worlds, however, for they were created from its thoughts, and each one has divine content. The worlds are all created by that divine content, so that while they are on the one hand exterior, they are on the other also made of divine stuff, and each hypothetical point in your universe (pause) is in direct contact with All That Is in the most basic terms. The knowledge of the whole is within all of its parts—and yet All That Is is more than its parts.

[...] It had, generally speaking, all of the species that you now know. These all correlated with the multitudinous kinds of consciousnesses that had clamored for release, and those consciousnesses were spontaneously endowed by All That Is with those forms that fit their requirements. [...] But individualized consciousness was not quite all that bold. [...] In your terms, it is as if the earth and all of its creatures were partially dreaming, and not as focused within physical reality as they are now.

All That Is, then, became aware of a kind of creative tumult as each of its superlative thoughts and dreams, moods and feelings, strained at the very edges of their beings, looking for some then-unknown, undiscovered, as of then unthought-of release. I am saying that this mental progeny included all of the consciousnesses that [have] ever appeared or will appear upon your earth—all tenderly couched: the first human being, the first insect—each with an inner knowledge of the possibilities of its development. All That Is, loving its own progeny, sought within itself the answer to this divine dilemma (all very intently, with eyes wide and dark, and with numerous gestures).

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 25, 1969 ceremony repent blessing joy equations

[...] There is no situation from which you must escape in your inner group. There is a change that you have set for yourself and you have set up your own equation—and those in the class who are in both groups have their own equations—and in solving the emotional equations, you end up with spiritual clues. There is nothing from which you have to escape. [...] There is nothing from which you have to hide. [...] The campfire is highly symbolic, and it has different meanings for all of you who experience it. This does not mean that the campfire is not real. It is very real. [...] And when you hear me speak, it is not only my vitality that you hear, but it is also your own vitality—for I am also a part of All That Is—and if I am ancient and new, so are you ancient and new. [...] There are joys and vitalities within you which you do not perceive, that you must learn not to understand intellectually but to feel. And you think because I speak to you when you are here that I belong here. [...] Now to others that you do not perceive, you are as magical, you are as nebulous as a shadow falling upon a floor in midafternoon. [...] And as they may not see your magic and your consciousness, so there are other magic shadows and other realities that you think beneath you that you do not perceive. But All That Is is aware of each shadow. And knows that each shadow... [...]

I did not come through purposely lately because I do not want you to take it for granted that I will speak at each class. [...] Now if Ruburt’s eyesight is poor, there is nothing wrong with mine. [...] And my purpose is to remind you that the vitality and meaning of existence is within you. And that the energy within this room is available to you. And when I come pussyfooting into this room, it is also to remind you that there is peace within you—expect it and look for it—it is there. And peace is not a dead thing. [...] And it sings throughout your blood and it is a part of All That Is. [...] And with your intellect and with your reason, and even I, as bothmale and female, have been married without ceremony and with ceremony and the true marriage has nothing to do with ceremony of that kind. The true meeting is a spiritual meeting and can be expressed in many ways...and a flower exists in a field whether a minister blesses it or not—for it is a part of All That Is and, therefore within it, it carries its own blessing and its own meaning. [...]

There should never be a word in any language that means repentance. There should only be a word that means, “I bless,” for when you bless you do not need to repent. [...] For when you realize how to accept a blessing, there is nothing to repent. Love of All That Is requires simply that you become open as air, for when you are open as air then the joy of All That Is flows through you indiscriminately, and there is nothing to repent. [...] For within joy and within All That Is there is only glory that is only consciousness and song. There is only blessedness. [...]

TES9 Session 427 August 7, 1968 yearned Dave agony cosmic sepia

Now when I say there was a state of nonbeing, and yet speak of All That Was, existing simultaneously in that state, I mean (pause), that All That Is did exist, itself, obviously in a state of being, but in a state in which it could not find expression for its own being. [...] Yet it is doubtful that without this “period” in quotes, of contracted yearning, that All That Is could concentrate its energy sufficiently enough to create the realities that existed in probable suspension within it.

All That Is therefore “lost,” in quotes, a portion (underlined) of itself in that creative endeavor. Yet all individuals remember their source, and now dream of All That Is, as All That Is once dreamed of them. And they yearn toward that immense source, and yet to set it free, to give it actuality through their own creations.

At first, in your terms, all of probable reality existed as nebulous dreams within consciousness of All That Is. [...] The dreams became recognizable one from the other, until they drew the conscious notice of All That Is. And with curiosity and yearning, All That Is paid more and more attention to his own dreams.

TES7 Session 305 November 30, 1966 Infinity god systems illusions diversity

Now: This is a personal god, in your terms. It is a personal god because this god represents the part of that which is, which is yourself, you see. [...] The part of you that is formed from All That Is, is this god; is aware of all your needs because god is also, in this respect, yourself. Though hardly the self that you will recognize in a mirror.

That which is, is constantly aware of its growing, surging existence, through the diversity of experience which it creates constantly and simultaneously. You are part of that which is, you are that which is. It is impossible for any part of that which is not to be individualized. Every part of that which is, is alive, and knows itself.

Now, “There is no place to go" if you know what is truly meant by that statement. It is also true that there are as many places to go as you wish to find. [...] The inner self forms all systems and all places. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, July 6, 1971 Joel Bette divinity listen Astor

Remember, therefore, that your own vitality is without bounds. That it is ever new. That it sweeps through your own frame as easily and as naturally as the energy sweeps through this form. That you have only to accept it and acknowledge it, and again that the vitality of life is not quiet; it is not adult; it is not dignified; it is. All the alleyways down which you have traveled have openings. Any disasters that you have worked upon yourselves have openings. Any energy that you need to direct to any part of your physical image is yours for the asking. Any thought that you have is creative. [...]

Now Ruburt makes contact with me, but having made contact I am like some vital ever growing field that you finally reach. It is up to you to wander in that field and pluck your own idiot flowers and find your own paths. Now at this moment the field is there. The field that is my reality and yet is your own reality, and you must intellectually probe it, and intuitively probe it, and find your own paths within it. Its sources rise from your own being and from the fountainhead of creativity that is within each of you, and the teacher is within each of you, and you are yourselves the teacher that you do not recognize. And the voice that speaks in your dreams is the voice of yourself that you do not recognize speaking from the ancient founts of knowledge that are your own. I have told you often that I am no spooky guide that speaks in the night. [...] I am heights that you have reached and do not know that you have reached. [...] I do have my own individuality yet this in no way means that there is not a meeting ground between what I am and what you are. [...]

Stratums that fly through the night, in your terms now, have known consciousness and song. The air that brushes past your cheek is alive. [...] In the power that you sense there are answers if you have the wits to sense within yourself that same power. To feel within the timbres of the voice the ecstasy that sings through your own being. To listen to all the tales that your selves tell you, to the secrets that fly through the air, and that is what I have been telling you all this time. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 580, April 12, 1971 unending inhumanity suffering portray misdirection

Experience existing outside of that reference is not dependent upon duration in your terms. There is no “perfect ending,” no completed perfection beyond which further experience is impossible or meaningless. (Long pause.) All That Is is a source of infinite and unending simultaneous action. Everything happens at once, and yet there is no beginning and end to it in your terms, so it is not completed in your terms at any given point.

[...] There is order, but within this order there is freedom — the freedom of creativity, that characteristic of All That Is, that guarantees its infinite becoming.

[...] (Long pause.) All That Is is alive within the least of itself, aware within for example the molecule. It endows all of its parts — or its creations — with its own abilities that then act as inspiration, impetus, guiding lines and principles, by which these parts then seek to further create themselves, their own worlds and systems. This is freely given.

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 894, January 9, 1980 creatures scheme body self sensations

The entities, or units of consciousness—those ancient fragments that burst into objectivity from the vast and infinite psychological realms of All That Is—dared all, for they joyfully abandoned themselves in space and time. They created new psychological entities, opened up an area of divine creativity that “until then” had been closed, and therefore to that [degree] extended the experience and immense existence of All That Is. For in so abandoning themselves they were not of course abandoned, since they contained within themselves their inherent relationship with All That Is. In those terms All That Is became physical also, aroused at its divine depth by the thrusting of each grass blade through the soil into the air, aroused by each birth and by each moment of each creature’s existence.

(All with emphatic rhythm:) The inner self was too aware of its own multidimensionality, so in your terms it gave psychological birth to itself through the body in space and time. [...] That portion of the self is the portion you recognize as your usual conscious self, alive within the scheme of seasons, aware within the designs of time, caught transfixed in moments of brilliant awareness, with civilizations that seem to come and go. That is the self that is alert in the dear preciseness of the moments, whose physical senses are bound to light and darkness, sound and touch. That is the self that lives the life of the body.

Now as you will see, all creatures, regardless of their degree, can and do choose, within their spheres of reality, those sensations that they will experience—but to one extent or another (underlined) all sensations are felt. We will later discuss the part of the mind and its interpretation, for example, of painful stimuli, but I want to make the point that those attracted to physical life are first and foremost tasters of sensation. Outside of that, basically, there are all kinds of mental distinctions made [among] stimuli. The body is made to react. It is made to feel life and vitality by reacting to an environment that is not itself, by encountering what you might call natural stress. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 8: Session 916, May 14, 1980 cu units ee genetic repetition

[...] With many pauses:) All That Is, as the source of all realities and experience, is so psychologically complex, so multidimensionally creative, that it constantly surprises itself. It is, itself, the invisible universe that is everywhere implied within your world, but that becomes manifest to your perception only through historic time. All That Is disperses itself, therefore, so that it is on the one hand “a massive” subjective entity, a psychological structure—and on the other hand, it also disperses itself into the phenomenal world. It is, in all meanings of the word, divine, yet it disperses even that divinity so that in your terms (long pause), each unit of consciousness contains within itself those properties of divinity. All That Is has no one image, but is within all images—and in parentheses: (whether or not they are manifest). Your thoughts are the invisible partners of your words, and the vast unstated subjectivity of All That Is is in the same way behind all stated or manifest phenomena.

There are countless relationships between species that go unrecognized. The generations of all species interact. The genetic cues are not triggered on the proposition, obviously, that a species exists alone on the planet, but also in response to genetic sequences that operate in all of the species combined. The genetic system, again, is not closed nearly as much as supposed. That is, again, because the basic units of consciousness that build up matter—that form matter—are themselves endowed with a subjective acuteness. This also accounts for my earlier statement, that in usually understood terms the environment and its creatures “evolve” together. (Long pause.) Your position on the scale of awareness inclines you to categorize consciousnesses so that only your own familiar brand seems to fit the definition—so again here I remind you that consciousness is everywhere in the deepest terms, because All That Is disperses itself throughout physical reality. All portions of that reality have their own rights to existence, and purposes within it. So of course do all peoples, and the races.

Imagine, now, as far as you are able, the existence of All That Is, a consciousness (pause) so magnificently complex that what we may call its own psychological compartments are, literally now, infinite. All appearances of time, and all experience of it, must be psychological. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 884, October 3, 1979 particles meson protons smaller eccentric

Now because All That Is contains within itself such omnipotent, fertile, divine creative characteristics, all portions of its subjective experience attained dimensions of actuality impossible to describe. The thoughts, for example, of All that Is were not simply thoughts as you might have, but multidimensional mental events of superlative nature. Those events soon found that a transformation must occur (pause), if they were to journey into objectivity—for no objectivity of itself could contain the entire reality of subjective events that existed within divine subjectivity. Only in that context could their relative (underlined) perfection be maintained. [...] They sensed a kind of value fulfillment that required of them the utilization of their own creative abilities. They yearned to create as they had been created, and All That Is, in a kind of divine perplexity, nevertheless realized that this had always been its own intent.

Yet each smallest portion of consciousness can uniquely create, bring into being, eccentric2 versions of All That Is, that in certain terms All That Is, without that separation, could not otherwise create. The loving support, the loving encouragement of the slightest probable consciousness and manifestation—that is the intent of All That Is.

Again, in actuality all of this took place at once, yet the depth of psychological experience contained therein can never be measured, for it involved a kind of value fulfillment with which each consciousness is involved. That characteristic of value fulfillment is perhaps the most important element in the being of All That Is, and it is a part of the heritage of all species.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, May 5, 1970 Gert Florence Arnold Doug Brad

You said earlier that everyone is looking to find themselves, and as our regular students should know, there is only one place to look, and you begin with yourself. All That Is is not male or female, and I am sorry to upset anyone. All That Is is indeed energy and yet all energy is individualized so you are not dealing merely with impersonal energy but neither are you dealing with a personality in the terms usually used. For you do not understand as yet what personality is, and when you understand what you are, then you will have some small glimmering of what All That Is is and basically you will find All That Is within yourselves. [...]

You redeem and you sanctify, otherwise there is no redemption and no sanctification. All That Is is within you. It is not objectified outside of you. The inner voice is the voice of All That Is and that voice speaks through the tissues of your body and the cells and atoms and molecules that compose your physical image. The inner voice speaks through All That Is. [...]

There is nothing that is not blessed, nothing that is not filled with All That Is from which it achieves its existence, its energy, its consciousness and its strength. When you attempt to objectify All That Is into the nature of a God that exists somewhere outside you, then it seems to you that you must reach outward when instead you must listen inwardly. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 565, February 1, 1971 probable act validity infinite selves

In fact it is not a product in those terms at all, but a process of becoming. All That Is is not a product, finished or otherwise, either. There are probable gods as there are probable men; but these probable gods are all a part of what you may call the soul of, or the identity of, All That Is; even as your probable selves are all a portion of your soul or entity.

The dimensions of actuality possible to All That Is of course far exceed those presently available to you. [...] The one All That Is is aware not only of its own nature and of the nature of all consciousness, but is also aware of its infinite probable selves. [...]

[...] Now all of these possible actions have a reality at that point. They are all capable of being actualized in physical terms. [...] This event is duly accepted as a portion of those serial happenings that compose your normal existence.

SS Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 560, November 23, 1970 drama Christ twelve disciples God

[...] It shares in those abilities that are inherent within All That Is. It must, therefore, create as it is created, for this is the great giving that is behind all dimensions of existence, the spilling-over from the fountain of All That Is.

Now your own physical image is the materialization of your idea of yourself within the properties of matter. Without the idea of yourself, your physical image would not be; yet often it is all you are aware of. The initial power and energy of that idea of yourself keeps your image alive. [...] If you will try to accept the idea that your own existence is multidimensional, that you dwell within the medium of infinite probabilities, then you may catch a slight glimpse of the reality that is behind the word “god,” and you may understand why it is almost impossible to capture a true understanding of that concept in words.

This awareness gives personal experience with the multidimensional richness that exists not apart from but intermingled with, within, through, and all about your physical world of sense. To say that physical life is not real is to deny that reality pervades all appearance, and is a part of all appearance. In the same manner, God does not exist apart from or separate from physical reality, but exists within it and as a part of it, as he exists within and as a part of all other systems of existence.

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 2, 1971 Ned sad Gert secrets sensitive

And so, you must also go out, but this going out is a coming into. [...] It is one thing to project a god outward into another universe and then try to find it. You realize by now that this is a futile attempt, but it is also futile to try to reach yourself by imagining that yourself is somewhere else in another universe. [...] The self is as immediate as All That Is is immediate, and your quickest entry point is at the point of your present feelings and there is no other way, and the door to your feelings are open. [...]

[...] What I want you to do is to admit here the things that are important to you that you have not told. That is important to you, not to me, and not to anyone else in the room, but it is highly important to you. You all have more than one secret and there will be plenty of time for the rest of them and then you can dance through the grasses and I will lead you with a merry flute, indeed; and then you will not need me to lead you with a merry flute, for you will hear your own music and be able to follow it. These secrets, you know, very important to you, very important to you, are very jovial in the nature of All That Is and hardly significant in the nature of reality. Their importance is only in the secrecy that you have maintained and their charge only in the secrecy that you have maintained. It is time, you see. [...]

Now there is a point within each of you, at this moment, in this room at this time, that is a connection with all of reality that you can ever know and this point is a point of feeling. Not of words, not of concepts, not of trial and error, but the point of existence within you that is now present and of which you are all aware. [...] The point of reality within you that you try to escape because you are afraid of reality and unwilling to accept the responsibilities of it and so you form pseudorealities. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 23, 1970 couch transpose solid organization assumptions

As soon as you realize however that the picture is not complete, then you must begin to ask new questions, and the old idea of the perfect organization is gone. Now as you know, you do not perceive the atoms and molecules that swim about the room nor the atoms and molecules that fill this space between our friends, nor the forces—the field forces—that exist. [...] Do you all know—emptiness that you perceive as solidity. [...] And consciousness that has different perceptive mechanisms than your own is unaware of our now famous blue couch. [...]

Now, you each generally agree, I am sure, that you sit upon a couch. [...] You agree that the couch is here. Now, it is true that within your physical system—for I know this will come next from our friend Florence—you can measure your couch. I expect at any moment anyone will get a ruler and measure it and then say to me that the couch is so long—how can you say it is not one couch? [...] There is no reason why they should not. Telepathically you all agree upon the placement of objects and their dimensions. [...]

[...] All That Isis now. And you are a part of All That Is now. [...] You can, now, set upon exploring environments that are not physical if you want to, but I do not see any rush of students at that invisible door! [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session September 20, 1978 murderers fabric victim shell Eastern

So some Americans have become tired of this badge of individuality, and they are ready to throw it over, either to fundamental Christianity, which is again rising, or to a number of various Eastern religions. Life is everywhere both individual and particular, and at the same time united with all being. All That Is “pulsates” with a truly infinite yearning to particularize all of its attributes, to know itself through individualizing all of its dreams, its slightest thought, its most monumental discovery. All That Is composes the fabric of the universe—which is everywhere unified, since nothing exists outside of it, and every wave or particle, or field or whatever within it, consists of a divine psychological fabric that is populated by individuation, sensation, meaning, intent, in which the most innocuous shadow of an electron rises up joyfully and shouts “I am I, and not you.” [...]

The individuality may be of a completely different nature than that with which you are acquainted. It is true that you are each versions of the universe, or even that every person alive is somehow a version of each other person, and it is true that a great unity underlies the basis of life, as you know it, that all things are interrelated. [...]

[...] There are a few points I want to make, and that is all. Each individual is a portion of the universe, of course, apropos of the book on the Fabric of the Universe, but the universe is everywhere composed of awareized energy—energy “stamped” with its own unique psychic or psychological “individuality.”

TES7 Seth’s Lecture to Pat’s Boston High School Class March 25, 1967 classroom hell kill chromosomes Pat

The human personality is free. [...] If you think that is what you are, then for all practical purposes, for now, that is what you shall be. If you realize on the other hand that you are unlimited, that you are a part of All That Is, then indeed it shall be so as it is.

The self that sits in class is not the self that wonders in a dream state, and the self that wonders in a dream state is, my dear friends, far more educated than the, self that sits in the classroom. [...] The self that you call yourself knows relatively little. It is perhaps 16 years old. Indeed, the inner identity knows, and the inner identity knows that it knows. All of you are on a threshold. Uncounted millions have been at that threshold.

And yet a portion of you knows the answer, and a portion of you knows who you are, and the memories of your previous lives are not in your genes or in your chromosomes, but in the psychic reality that forms the genes and the chromosomes. For the identity is a different identity than the name that you bear. The physical mechanism has chromosomes indeed, but the physical chromosomes have a psychic counterpart, and the psychic counterpart is the original; and within you is the codified information containing all your past lives and all your knowledge, and it is hidden so deep within you that the subconscious as you know it does not realize the truth, for the subconscious as you know it is, indeed, a very shallow affair containing only those hidden memories from this life.

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